[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200512/459a734105d6313d4da197b8c827a27d.png[/img][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Lord Orgasmo][@Crimson Flame][@DankDutch][/center] As a fourth person entered the scene with just the same amount of confusion and also accompanied by the little creatures, it started to look as if they had been brought there, wherever that was, for a reason. He addressed his Kapurimon directly. [color=00a651][i]"You there. Now that you can talk, can you tell us where we are and how we got here?"[/i][/color] Kapurimon looked at Minomon as if they were two scientists who had to explain something to a child. [b]"Why, this is the Digiworld of course. I can't really explain how you got here but for quite some time now, we have been expecting you. You see, we have this prophecy of a select group of heroes that will save the Digiworld from destruction. I am positive that those heroes are you guys."[/b] Nathan rolled his eyes. His dreams sure boosted his ego. [color=00a651]"[i]I think you'll end up quite disappointed then."[/i][/color] Minomon interrupted Kapurimon. [b]"You may not realize it yet, but together we will do great things. But... I won't be any good to you in this form."[/b] Nathan just listened to the speech before commenting. Minomon continued: [b]"All of us can now talk but we're not very good at fighting yet and unfortunately, there will be battles ahead. We can Digivolve even further and becomes rookies, where we can actually fight."[/b] Nathan looked at the Digivice. Surely it wouldn't be that simple. [b]"Hold your horses, Nathan. The first Digivolution may have been triggered by the Digivice, but to reach the rookie level, each of us needs to develop some sort of connection with their human."[/b] Nathan looked at the Digivolved versions of the Digimon the other people brought along. Lucas and Seth both gained a DemiVeemon. Cadence and Seth both got a Kyupimon. Seth's last Digimon was a Moonmon. Cadence's team was completed with a Budmon and a Tokomon, while Lucas' team contained a Minomon and Tanemon. The most pressing matter was addressed by Seth. [i][color=fff200]"So this is all well and good, but, uh... now what? We should probably find a way out of here. Maybe find a road or something to follow that'll lead us towards some sort of civilization."[/color][/i] Nathan knew Seth was right, they should figure out what to do next. [color=00a651][i]"Well, Digimon, lead the way then."[/i][/color] It was Minomon who came with a suggestion. [b]"If we all need to form a connection to get us to the rookie level, the best place to start would be the barrows just north-west of here. Unless Vademon's minions have taken that place too."[/b] Nathan frowned at Minomon. [color=00a651][i]"Vademon?"[/i][/color] Minomon sighed and looked at Kapurimon. [b]"Do you want to tell them?"[/b] Kapurimon cleared its throat and tried to enlighten the group. [b]"Our world is facing a great threat called Lilithmon. Each of her four Hell Generals has been assigned a part of the Digiworld to dominate. Where we are now, Vademon is in control. His gun will give you a lot more than just a flesh wound. If you want to be able to defeat him, you need to get us even further than the rookie level, but let's take it one step at a time."[/b] Nathan hesitated. This was a lot to take in and he barely knew this people and their Digimon. After sighing deeply, he decided the only way was up. [color=00a651][i]"Well then, let's get started at those barrows then."[/i][/color]