[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjg4MjQzMzg4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc1NjgzMQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:[/color] Top Front -> Carriage 1 [color=limegreen]Magic:[/color] [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Elizabeth didn't know what was worse, the pain in her neck, or the fact that that the headmaster already wanted to talk to her, before she even had arrived at the school. If she were getting in trouble for something she'd done last year, she would assume that she'd have gotten an owl over the summer warning her, and she doubted the Trolley Witch would have snitched on her yet, given the calamity that had befallen them all earlier, so she was at a lost for what the man could have wanted. Scoffing a little at Zelda, Elizabeth just shook her head, saying, "[color=limegreen]Whatever you need to tell yerself[/color]" She didn't like the idea of leaving her cat behind, but she expected the teachers to at least treat Shadow with a bit of respect. Stepping back to her stuff, she leaned down and gave her cat a little pat on the head, saying, "[color=limegreen]I'll see ya' later baby, be good for me![/color]" Standing up straight, she gave one last look back at her stuff, hoping nobody would mess with it while unattended. Shaking her head, she started down the train, following after Zelda and Paige, and ending up in the same carriage as them. It wasn't that she particularly wanted to spend more time with either of them, but it was the closer of the two carriages, an she didn't know where Fae was.