[center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] "Oh, more than ready, Dad. Let's get outta here!" I run through the pre-flight check, shipping several steps before taking off. It was exciting to have finally beat the bad guys, but there was a very real dread for Hayden. I could sense her life fading. We had to hurry to the medics, and even then, I wasn't sure if it would be enough. [center][h2] Caalin Daemon [/h2][/center] I stay with Hayden in the small medical bay. "Just hold on. I promised your parents I would keep you safe, and no matter how many times you try to get yourself killed, I won't let you." I try to joke, but I really am worried. The med scan finished, the computer reports that her injuries are severe, and her vitals were dropping rapidly. [center][h2] Hayden Twilight [/h2][/center] My wounds were more than physical. I'd poured too much of myself into destroying Kreia. My energy is too depleted to carry on for much longer.