[quote=@Bloodrose] Aaaaaaand here they are! [hider=Morgan] [center] [h2] [i]“Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.”[/i] - The Doctor [/h2] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Morgan Holloway [b]Age:[/b]Appears early/mid-twenties. Actually one hundred and thirty-two. [b]Clan:[/b] Malkavian [b]Disciplines:[/b] Auspex, Presence, Dementation. [b]Generation:[/b] 10th. [b]Species:[/b] Kindred [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Morgan] [img] https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/5317436a-96b0-44cb-88e6-84f9e072f254/dbjbmid-5c4a02ef-8109-4037-a4f6-244be8e1e30d.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTMxNzQzNmEtOTZiMC00NGNiLTg4ZTYtODRmOWUwNzJmMjU0XC9kYmpibWlkLTVjNGEwMmVmLTgxMDktNDAzNy1hNGY2LTI0NGJlOGUxZTMwZC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.Z57ZWIAHCVZJmglACxAPa2Ea2PyvDo44bMjYa9qJxfM [/img] [/hider] Morgan is a curvaceous, pear-shaped woman, with fair skin, and soft blonde hair. Her emerald eyes are particularly dazzling, and she has a strong jaw. Large portions of Morgan’s body are covered in burnt tissue, and warped scars, which her embrace never healed. Huge red marks dominate her right thigh, and much of her right arm is also burnt. The flesh on her right hand is coated with angry red and yellow scars, and the nails in her pinky finger are charred black, and have partially fallen out. [b]Personality: [/b] Morgan is, mostly, good-natured, but isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, should she need to. She is a determined, steadfast woman, who believes zealously in the cause that she has thrown her un-life behind. Unlike many kindred, she considers the lives of Kine to be sacred, and detests those who treat humans as disposable. She battles constantly with the derangements of Malkavians, and fights to keep hold of her sanity. Morgan suffers from PTSD, specifically relating to the death of her sister, Mary, and the fire that killed her. She struggles with intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks, which have become increasingly severe, since her embrace. She is far more fearful of fire than even most other kindred, and is petrified of cramped, enclosed spaces. Morgan’s PTSD has become entwined with the bane of her clan, culminating in her struggling with hallucinations and disembodied voices pertaining to the fire. [b]Biography: [/b] Morgan Holloway was born to poverty, in London, during the Victorian era. Her childhood was defined by hardship and want, with Morgan and her sister Mary being left to fend for themselves, after their father abandoned them, and their mother died of Scarlet Fever. Both sisters grew up doing whatever they could to get by, and would come to work as women of the night. They shared a small apartment, in Whitechapel, which was where the events that would come to define both Morgan’s life and un-life took place. The Whitechapel apartment was broken into by a gang of savage Sabbat brutes, who took great enjoyment in antagonising and torturing the girls. Once they had both been bled, their attackers fled from the building, but not before smashing an oil lamp on the floor, and setting fire to the apartment. Morgan just about managed to survive the encounter, albeit badly burned, by clambering through a window, and falling into the streets below - which earnt her many-a-broken bone - but the fire claimed Mary’s life. Morgan was overcome with grief and hysteria, which saw her locked away in a lunatic asylum, which was where she crossed paths with her sire; Doctor Lange. Lange took a macabre interest in Morgan, and ended up embracing her into clan Malkavian. Morgan later overpowered Lange, killing him, before escaping into the night, which would lead to her eventually crossing paths with Henry Laghari, the leader of one of England’s rising Anarch Movements. Morgan quickly became enamoured with the Anarch’s, and their righteous cause. With the help of her new comrades, she managed to get a better grasp over her derangements, and felt hope for the first time since her sister’s death. Morgan threw herself into the fight against the Ivory Tower, growing to become fierce and formidable freedom fighter, who sought to liberate all kindred from the cold grip of despotic elders. Although she would never recover from Mary’s death, Morgan Holloway had found new family, amidst the Anarch’s of London. It was during this time, skirting through London-by-Night, that Morgan became friends with a young kine, called Calantha Teohari. Calantha became Morgan’s link to the mortal world, and she fought to keep her friend separate from her battles with the supernatural. They grew to become best friends, which made it even more heartbreaking for Morgan when Calantha was embraced by the Angel, and was instrumental in the massacre of her Anarch comrades, including Henry Laghari. What followed was a bloody game of cat and mouse, with Morgan and Calantha chasing each other across the globe, in a grisly, drawn out battle. In the year 2020, this has lead Morgan to LA, where she has fallen in with Los Angeles’ Anarch movement. Although Morgan spends her time fighting the good fight, Calantha is constantly at the back of her mind. [/hider] [hider=Calantha] [center] [h2] “Come, thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.” - Lady Macbeth [/h2] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Calantha Teohari [b]Age:[/b] (Usually) Appears late teens (seventeen - nineteen). Actually one hundred and twenty-seven. [b]Clan[/b]: Tzimisce [b]Species:[/b] Kindred [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Calantha] [img] https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/024/414/276/large/anton-oxenuk-hack-10.jpg?1582326237 [/img] [/hider] Much like most of her clan, Calantha’s appearance is everchanging. She has been short, tall, thin, fat, fair-skinned, dark-skinned, and everything in-between. Although she sometimes takes a somewhat androgynous form, Calantha favours a feminine appearance, and refrains from blurring gender boundaries to the extent that many Tzimisce do. Currently, Calantha accentuates her vampiric features, by making her fangs permanently pronounced, and sharpening her characteristics. She has given her ears a bat-like quality, and pulled sharp spikes of bone through her pale flesh. Her hair is long, and dark, like flowing shadow, and she has a quality to her that might be described as alien, or elfish. [b]Disciplines:[/b] Animalism, Vicissitude, Auspex. [b]Generation[/b]: 9th (Through diablerie. 11th upon embrace.) [b]Personality:[/b] Inquisitive and bright, above all else, Calantha Teohari is something of a genius, with a burning desire to learn, and to amass more knowledge. Unfortunately, although her inventiveness remains, her kindness and compassion were burnt away, through a combination of the horrific torture she suffered at the hands of The Angel, and her years spent serving as a member of the Sabbat. Calantha now actively draws enjoyment from inflicting suffering and pain in others, particularly her unwilling test subjects. She has grown more and more sadistic over the decades, largely due to the fact that she developed a fondness for embracing, and then diablerizing, serial killers, so that she can collect their twisted souls. [b]Biography: [/b] Calantha Teohari was born in the Victorian era, as a child of the Teohari Household, a family of secretive sorcerers, who had extensive ties to the Cult of Bacchus. Calantha was raised in a loving household, who rejected the conservative dogma of the age, and encouraged her budding curiosity. Although the Teohari operated in the shadows, and hid their true nature from the world, they schooled Calantha in their traditions from a young age, striving to give her the most fulfilling and liberated life possible. As a young woman, Calantha became close friends with Morgan Holloway, a strange and mysterious, yet ultimately kind-hearted girl, who seemed only to appear at night time. Both out-spoken and warmhearted souls, it did not take long for the pair to become inseparable. Then one day, the Teohari Household was torn apart by the servants of a depraved monster, called “The Angel”, and all but Calantha were butchered. The Angel kept Calantha alive for its own amusement, inflicting disgusting torture upon her. She was torn apart, and put back together again, over, and over, and over, by monstrous acts of flesh crafting, until her spirit was as broken as her body. After weeks of appaling torment, the Calantha Teohari which the Angel came to sire bore few similarities to the one which it had captured. In a sick act of pettiness, the Angel sent Calantha to spearhead its crusade against London’s underground Anarch movement, of which Morgan was a member. Over the next few decades, the Angel groomed Calantha as its apprentice, believing her to be completely and utterly subservient to it, until the day she overpowered it, and drank its soul. Time passed, and Calantha fled to the “new world”, with Morgan on her tail the whole while. She developed a new favourite pass time; tracking serial killers, embracing them, and then diablerizing them, just as she had the Angel. Eventually, Calantha became acquainted with the West Coast Sabbat, whom she became an enthusiastic member of. Although she outwardly serves the Sabbat, Calantha is only truly loyal to herself, and uses the Sword Of Cain as a means to further her own dark, and depraved ambitions. [/hider] [/quote] [quote=@Fiber] [hider=Grace] Name: Grace Liu (current code name) Age: 43, looks like she’s 43 Species: Mage Powers/Skill: Spheres From best to worst: Correspondence, Mind, Entropy, Forces, Life, Time Arete: 5 Appearance: [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDYxODQ1NzItMDI0Ny00NjFmLWIzNWMtN2U0YjM2ZGRkZDA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ1MjYzOTQ@._V1_.jpg[/img] Personality: Grace is a true believer in the Technocracy and its mission for a safe and superstition free humanity. She is well versed in the formalities of the Technocracy’s culture and shares the cold and rational outlook common within its ranks. However, she is also chronically stressed as a result of the demands of her job, and more willing to take a pragmatic approach to the enforcement, concentrating on the big picture and spirit of the rules rather following policy by rote. When dealing with the public she initially uses a friendly demeanor, projecting an almost unnatural kindness, but she finds it difficult maintain this when things get contentious. In formal technocracy settings she falls back into the default bureaucratic personality of unquestioning loyalty and obedience, but outside that she is more relaxed and isn’t afraid to mince words, even being comically blunt at times. Grace doesn’t relax much, and tries to avoid prolonged bouts of introspection. Biography: Grace’s birth name is Margaret Yu; that identity has long since been abandoned. From an early age she excelled academically, almost equally in the humanities and the hard sciences. Her awakening as a mage happened in her college years; then she was something of a free spirit, looking for knowledge from both traditional and nontraditional sources. She was determined to know more about the world and more about herself, for the former she devoured books and changed majors constantly, for the latter she turned to more esoteric methods, like meditation and psychedelic drugs. This brought her to the attention of the Technocracy, who began observing her. Her psychedelic explorations also lead her to make friends with some members of the Cult of Ecstasy, having respect for their quest of avoiding staticness and self-improvement. The Technocracy took a gentle approach to recruiting her, slowly explaining the conflicts behind the scenes and guiding her through it all. By contrast, the Ecstatics told her nothing, just waiting to see what she would discover on her own. They believed in letting her learn to help herself, even when she faced trauma from the failure of her first seeking. She resented them and devoted herself more deeply to the scientific paradigm, and then the Technocracy made their formal request for her to join. She saw the decision to join as making a choice between personal excellence and a greater mission, one for the benefit of the world. When she made the decision to join she had only one request, one they were happy to honor: she wanted to be unconflicted, wholly committed to the cause, without any risk that her uncertainties would rise again and jeopardize her mission. They obliged and removed her memories of her time with the ecstatics and any lingering doubts she had, to this day she doesn’t know what happened to any of her former friends. After that day, she became the woman she would be from then on, Grace Liu. After considerable training she was assigned a position within the NWO, away from field work. She proved excellent at cataloging information and analyzing the intel on reality deviants gathered by the Technocracy’s vast bureaucracy, but over time she came to worry that her talents were being wasted working as a glorified librarian. Enlightened personnel were a rare resource, and they were especially valuable on the front lines of the conflict. Sensing an opportunity for advancement, she became a field agent, and was assigned to the Southern California region. The massive amount of media meant that the Syndicate exercised heavy influence over Technocracy operations in the area, NWO presence was undermanned, overworked, and usually on the losing end of territorial fights with the Syndicate. Turnover was excessively high, and soon enough Grace found herself the NWO field operative in charge of all of Los Angeles County. The work is stressful and unrewarding, especially with recent shakeups, but she has stayed in the position longer than anyone else so far, and considers it a success if she can just stop any major trouble from being noticed by masses. One of the few duties she actively enjoys rather than merely tolerates is mentoring younger agents, like her subordinate Julie. NPCs: [hider=Julie] [center]Julia Stapledon [img]https://filmschoolrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/elizabeth-debicki-700x525.jpg[/img] Grace's subordinate within the NWO, recently awakened and inexperienced. She grew up in abusive survivalist cult and is very happy to be out of it now, still getting a grasp on normal living. Her cover identity is as a journalist/science youtuber, she performs this role with much enthusiasm. [/center][/hider] [/hider] [/quote] I accept you both, huzzah.