[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/Urhf5RO.png[/img][/center] Kiara chose to ignore the greater happenings of classroom introductions as soon as she was done. She figured that the day wouldn’t be normal anyway, especially with Class-C’s near-infamy for causing trouble for the rest of the student populace. Indeed, it would have been so much easier to blot out the comings and goings of the others in her mind were one voice not so prevalent among the rest. Kiara slowly turned her gaze away from the texts she was reading, glancing at her sister as she made her introductions known. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised the other girl found herself in the same class as she was like a clinging shadow. No, what did spark some surprise out of her was Eris’ added statement following her introduction. Puzzled, Kiara wondered briefly who that was meant for before hearing Alberta’s angered retort. Then she sighed. Of course. [i]Of course.[/i] There couldn’t be one day of peace around the girl who spoke in lopsided philosophies and haughty tones. She knew what Eris was doing-what she did rather-and knew the consequences of such. But there was no stopping a maelstrom of conflict when it was set in motion now was there. Still, it ultimately wasn’t her concern. Alberta would take the bait as usual and respond, as usual. Kiara wondered if their new professor was slow or maybe enjoyed the chaos as much as anyone else given how he didn’t once intervene in the matter. She did look at Ty with some interest when he declared his own statement. How interesting…she kept her sight on him for a moment longer before letting loose another sigh, uncaring if anyone was paying attention to it. It’d play out as it should for Class-C, no more and no less. Though she made a mental note to confront Eris about the matter later… Kiara went right back to her texts even as more events unfolded. Between more students popping up in class, a shouting match developing, and the professor still doing nothing, it was hardly an idle or unordinary day for Class-C. No, unfortunately, this was to be the norm for the cursed class. She would ignore the cause of the calamity for now lest she actively encourage it. [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img]