[center] [h1][color=purple]H[/color] [i]i l a r i a[/i][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/a2OKaOc.png[/img] [color=purple]"lewisa...?"[/color] [color=888888]— Hilaria[/color] [/center] Giving in to her anger, Hilaria moved with wild, exaggerated, and powerful movements. Her every action was laced with her volatile feelings that had not seen a release in near half a millennia. Each step left a strong imprint on the grass of the park as though it were snow, and the very act of swinging her shotgun-axe was enough to make a relatively loud sound as it tore through the air, and then later, an arm. If there was one thing she did not put behind her moves, it was mercy. As she was far from in control of herself, she would enact a painful, brutal death upon anything in her way if given the chance. Thankfully for Celia, Jenna redirected Hilaria towards the icon of her hatred, which was also why she herself was spared Hilaria's aggression. With Viper before her, her already-narrowed sight was further restricted towards the girl who had robbed her of a purpose. The moment the axe separated Viper's arm from her person, the berserk girl felt something: A strange pleasure engulfed her that trumped anything that had come before it, be it carnal or cuisine. Were she capable of rational thought at the moment, the combination of satisfaction and undying anger would confound her. Alas, as she was nothing more than a beast, her thoughts were of taking her vengeance and reaping the sensational benefits of doing so. [color=purple]"——————__———"[/color] Using her free arm, Hilaria had snatched Viper's limb from the air before it could even think about landing but still fired her shotgun at Viper, who managed to avoid becoming a clump of meat from the close-ranged blast, while also retaliating. Because of her enraged state, even had Viper's bullets penetrated her skin, Hilaria was unlikely to be slowed by anything short of a fatal blow, and even then it'd have to kill her instantly. Still, the girl was slippery and since Hilaria's game plan was essentially to just hack and blast at whatever was in front of her, the illusions proved to be effective in distracting her long enough for Viper to retreat. With her prey gone, Hilaria roared yet again, only this time her helmet disappeared, revealing the golden-eyed, horned beast beneath. She snorted like a bull, and then eyed the arm in her possession. Opening her jaw to reveal a set of rather sharp teeth, she dug into Viper's lost limb and ripped out a humungous chunk which she then promptly devoured. With a crimson liquid staining her teeth and around her mouth, she perked up at the sound of the Cardinal's weak voice, and turned to face her. For the first time since she had begun to rage, Hilaria had [url=https://youtu.be/A5N6jcpOpg0]remained still[/url] as she watched her dying sister call out her true name, as if it had some form of calming property to it. She took an uneasy step towards Ishtar. [color=purple]"...?"[/color] Tears seemed to begin forming in her eyes as she took a few more. Before her lay the last piece of humanity she had left, and it was on its last legs. Yet still... Isabella tried to call out to her sibling. Was Hilaria even worth her last breaths? Since their abrupt, unfriendly departure centuries ago, they'd barely spoke, and Hilaria had treated her almost as an enemy. But could this be the power of familial love? That silly idea that almost irritated Hilaria every time she heard someone mention it? It was not long ago she'd scoff at the very notion, but had she really been hoping for something like this the whole time? A person to drag her out of the depths? That had to be it! It was painful their reunion was only going to last for what would feel like the blink of an eye to an ancient, but in this time they did have together, short as it is, perhaps they could--- [url=https://youtu.be/3Y7aWLpuxA4]Oh.[/url] The sudden, obnoxious appearance of three new girls to the scene sparked a couple different reactions from different people. One was that there would later be talks from many magical girls about the potential change to the magical girl dictionary definition of the word Ascendency to enable it to become an antonym of 'opportune'. And, of course, there was Hilaria's reaction, which Ishtar would probably not consider 'desireable'. You see, Hilaria was currently a beast that considered anyone who was not Isabella to be a foe necessitating maiming and killing. She was enraged and incapable of much coherent thought. She was the enemy of everyone. This also included Jenna, but because Hilaria's focus was solely upon Ishtar, she hadn't even registered Jenna up until now. The same could not be said once Tsuki, Hudie, and Elora arrived with all the subtlety of a honey badger tearing a cobra apart. Any notion of a tamed Hilaria evaporated in an instant. [color=purple]"—_—— __—"[/color] Her bestial roar was followed by Hilaria turning Viper's old, half-eaten arm into a projectile shot towards Hudie, while she aggressively charged at the people 'threatening' Ishtar.