Doing paperwork was one of the most boring parts of his jobs, but it was necessary. When you administered great deals of land more and more paperwork became necessary to keep it afloat. However, while things would become a bit more exciting when the middle aged man flipped to his next page. Mandalorian pockets are surfacing across the galaxy, many clans seemingly coming out of hiding. Though he had suspected many would reveal themselves with the fracturing of the empire, the number of them at once was surprising. He had thought he had been thorough with his methods, evidently not. This... was a bit of a problem. They would no doubt seek to free their homeworld as well as the surrounding systems. But... couldn't let that happen. A sigh forced its way through his nose as he stood up from his desk, walking toward the large glasteel window that showed a breathtaking view of the city. The gleaming capital of mandalore, with dark banners hanging off many of the skyscrapers. He would protect this city with his life, to prevent it from being destroyed by those savages. How many times has this world fallen into civil war? How many innocents have died because of those barbarians? Too many. Too many to count. It was his duty to establish peace in this sector, no one else could do it, that was for sure. Drawing his holophone from his pocket, he taps a few buttons and connects to the several star destroyers orbitting the sector. "Begin preparations for departure. We have work to do."