[center] [h1][center][color=crimson]Lorelai De Windt[/color][/center][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The strangers that Edward returned with were like those out of a story book, refined and elegant in a manner that had Lorelai flush with awe. [color=crimson][i]I never knew you could be so neat eating cake. Who would have thought to use a fork?[/i][/color] She was rather captivated trying to emulate this Hel woman, even if she found the smaller bites far less satisfying. Her long braid was bouncing from the effort to cut away at a delectably over-glazed confection when Rod turned the questioning back upon them, easily taking her attention from the fruitless task. All his charms and suave sophistication...went right over her head, leaving her to answer him with the same earnestness she had addressed Ramyu. [color=crimson]"I'm going to be a great and virtuous knight! I'll save leaves, reform villians, and make the worlds a better place through hard work!"[/color] The blonde beamed happily, curling a bicep proudly and smacking the flexed muscle to release a hearty sound that would have emasculated less fit patrons nearby, only to undercut the statement by smearing glaze over her uniform's sleeve. It was clear she wanted to lick it off, only to eye her present company in a moment of rare self awareness and opt to rub at it with a napkin furiously. Now it was a sleeve both glazed and littered with shreds of paper product. Giving up in a huff she choose to forget the mess existed at all and smiled to the table. [color=crimson]"Besides, it's not like I could have a normal life. The De Windt's are fated for this life, I've just got a brighter view on it then most...so, Ed and Ramyu, what are you looking forward to? Adventure?"[/color]