You enter the kitchen of the station's café-restaurant. The room is slightly smaller, but still large enough to have a group of cooks working at the same time. From the viewpoint of the entrance to the kitchen, there is a small room straight ahead in the rear right corner. A light wooden door that separates the space is broken, rotten and slightly loose from the two upper hinges. The door is slightly open, but not enough for you to see what is inside. It is obvious though, that the room used to be the office of whoever was the last boss in this establishment. Three of the four walls are lined with rusty metal tables, industrial kitchen appliances and the likes. In the middle there is an island table that is divided into a parilla and a table. Around the island there is enough space for two adults to move past each other in a hurry without bumping into each other. The walls and the ceiling are in an equally bad shape as in the first room. There is a trail of various metal items going around the island table, though it didn’t seem much different from the mess that seemingly had already been there. In the wet dirt there are paw tracks. They are about the size of a man’s palm. As you search the room and turn around the corner, going straight and left behind the island table, your eyes catch the feline that had evaded its first meeting with death. You see a creature that used to be a bobcat. It still is, vaguely, recognizable because it’s fur pattern and pointy ears. The previously vibrant orange-ish brown had faded into a sickening blend of lifeless white and yellow. It had lost weight, and its body had taken the shape of something akin to a hyena, slightly arched back and always cunning and preying posture. Its face had lost a significant amount of fur and its upper lips had receded and now revealed a row of sharp teeth designed for the lifestyle of a scavenging carnivore. As Jane’s vines whip at the creature, it, again, reacts lightning fast and the attack barely misses it, hitting the floor instead and sending a wet splash of moss, water and whatever had gathered there flying. The creature screamed with a voice that was a mixture of a cat’s cry and a child’s wail. In a frantically smooth movement it jumped on the island table and continues to bounce from the back wall, flinging itself towards Jane. It has its claws out reaching for her and mouth gaping open to sink its teeth deep into her neck.