[b]"Heh..."[/b] Rolling his arm around as he stepped back after hurling Feral up at the VTOL, Vlad gave a satisfied chuckle as he watched their Specialist latch on and slip into the loading bay. Hopefully she wouldn't have any trouble bringing it down, but for the moment he turned his attention elsewhere. The others seemed to be handling the downed droids without much trouble, so he turned his attention back towards the building's foyer. Stepping across the debris strewn floor and crunching it beneath his steps, he winced a bit as a crash and thud came from outside moments before he arrived at Throne's side. Glancing over his shoulder at the downed VTOL, Vlad was a bit impressed Feral had even tried to land the thing. The growl that came from their Caster quickly demanded his attention again though, and he crouched down to give her a look over. [b]"You in any danger of passing out?"[/b] He asked as he poked her with his own Arts to get an idea of what was happening with her. Last thing he wanted was Throne to slip off his back because she suddenly decided it was time for lights out.