Fenris smiled as all the people began to show up at his guildhall, he wasn't expecting this many people to show up if he was going to be honest with himself. Mostly he thought fewer people would show up maybe none at all. [color=silver] " Fenris! Fenris what did the fucking orc say!? "[/color] Tizryn yelled. He had been trying to get Fenris's attention for a good five minutes now and was fed up with it. [color=violet] oh uhh well I don't know too many words but he said good day fucker and uhh that's all I know I think he said something that begins with an M but I'm not sure." [/color] Tizryn nodded [color=silver] " I like him already "[/color] Tizryn chuckled before getting up to get his cloak and Check on Alamir. Fenris rolled his eyes then greeted everyone who was showing up, he was going to smile when he saw a fellow elf but a ticked off look passed across his face as he heard her comment. [color=violet] "Tán- some respect ana your guildmaster tye yer- hag " [/color]he said before seeing a man's sword dig into his floor. Wanting to cry Fenris got up just as a hobbit walked past him into the guildhall. Walking to the front of the room he cleared his throat for an announcement [color=violet] " Welcome to Angeli Pallidus and thank you for joining my guild, please walk over to the mage making specially fitted cloaks and tell her if you are a warrior, gunslinger, mage or archer"[/color] he said as he put his cloak on, it reaches his knees and had a hood along with the gunslinger symbol. With putting the cloak on Fenris said high to the hobbit who's name he was told was Isabella he then dragged Tizryn back into the crowd. [hider=Translation] "Show some respect to your guildmaster you old hag" [/hider]