Ari wheezed slightly, when the doctor said that he'd help, she wanted to protest, she wanted to fight. [b][sub]"Please don't kill me."[/sub][/b] She mumbled. Her eyes moved towards Benjamin, almost with a pleading look. She looked towards Ray on the bed and anger just flooded through her eyes. Ray seemed to catch Ari's look, watching her before looking back to the doctor and moved to stand beside him. She stood slightly straighter as she watched him, moving to playfully mimic his words as he spoke, before she suddenly fell to the ground, falling through the doctor. Her eyes widened as she hit the ground after going through the doctor, she had felt his own spirit as she went through him. [hr] "I'd only hope they do." Sara said to Marc's question, her mind wanted to pester him more, but she stayed quiet. She looked down at the book she held. "We can... Buy these, yeah?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "I have... a very small amount of money, maybe it's enough for this book." She trailed off as she frowned, 'working' for the ward didn't really pay too much, considering she was also a patient. "I'm sorry." She started, frowning slightly, "I didn't mean to make the conversation turn dark. I'm sorry... I'll just shut up."