[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zBcJjpYf/NYName-Card.png[/img][/center][hr]Avalice Academy Plaza | Interactions: [@metanoia][hr] With their obligations fulfilled, the six members of the Miracle Seven prepares to leave but, before they could slink away, Headmaster Augustine approaches. [color=#FDDDE6]"Headmaster Augustine. Marvelous speech as per usual."[/color] The tall pink-haired member of the group politely expresses. "Ho ho, why thank you, Weyrose. Your honeyed words never fail to make an old man smile, even if they are rather far from the truth." Ouch. Looks like Augustine has the Fourth Seat pegged. "In any case, I was just hoping to ask where the First Seat is?" Morgiana, the Second Seat, sighs. [color=#000000]"I don't believe any one of us knows for sure. He is the free spirit we all know him to be."[/color] Morgiana laments, putting her hands on her hips. [color=#4D4DFF]"Knowing the Captain, he might not even be on school grounds."[/color] Lanza, the Seventh Seat, proposes. "Well that is indeed a shame. He was supposed to deliver an address to the student body after my own." Augustine strokes his contemplatively. Upon hearing that, Lanza's eyes grow large and excitable. [color=#4D4DFF]"Ooh, perhaps I can deliver a speech in his stead the next time he's absent?!"[/color] [color=#000000]"Afraid not, dear."[/color] [color=#4D5D53]"No."[/color] [color=#FDDDE6]"Not a chance."[/color] [color=#E0115F]"I don't think that's wise."[/color] They all say in unison while the Fifth Seat—the armored giant—simply shook his head in disapproval of the suggestion. [color=#4D4DFF]"Oh..."[/color] Lanza hangs his head, deflated. "Ho ho, chin up my boy! Perhaps one day when you occupy a different seat. Well then, I'm off. Please stick around and enjoy the festivities, why don't you?" And with that, the Headmaster takes his leave. As the six prepares to leave, Weyrose draws their attention. [color=#FDDDE6]"Class-C has a new professor last I heard. Is that him, by the tree?"[/color] Weyrose tilts his head toward Nyx's direction. [color=#4D5D53]"I hear he's powerful."[/color] [color=#FDDDE6]"Former Second Seat of the Miracle Seven's 106th generation, and a genius in the magical arts. Sounding familiar, Morg?"[/color] Weyrose smirks. [color=#000000]"Is that so?"[/color] A calculating smile forms on her face. [color=#E0115F]"With his guidance, do you believe Class-C stands a better chance of graduating?"[/color] Hana'O asks her colleagues. [color=#FDDDE6]"A decade of failure looms over them. Who's to say a single change will drastically alter their course?"[/color] It's clear that Weyrose is skeptical at the prospect. [color=#E0115F]"I'll pray for their success."[/color] [color=#000000]"Well, my interest is piqued. Shall we say 'hello'?"[/color] Morgiana asks her teammates. Weyrose nods affirmingly and Inès shrugs in reluctant agreement. [color=#FDDDE6]"Well Lanza, guess you're free to- Hey! Where'd you get all that food?!"[/color] Weyrose questions as he sees Lanza carrying a load of roasted chicken and bread. [color=#4D4DFF]"Well you guys started talking about a bunch of boring stuff so I hit the stands really quick. Anyway, the Big Guy and I are off to enjoy this feast. See ya!"[/color] Lanza and the Fifth Seat swiftly absconds with their hoard. [color=#E0115F]"I believe I'll check the food stands as well-"[/color] Hana'O attempts to leave but Inès grabs her by the collar. [color=#4D5D53]"Hold it. You're not just going to run back to your room and bury your face into your manuscripts, are you?"[/color] The Third Seat interrogates her with a stone-cold expression. [color=#E0115F]"N-No, I would not dare waste such a beautiful day on such important pursuits of the spirit! PleaseletgoofmeInèseveryone'swatchingthisisreallyreallyembarrassingandmyclothesarebecomingwrinkled!"[/color] Her voice grows smaller and smaller and she is flailing around hopelessly like a puppy in the clutches of its mother's jaw. Soon, everyone leaves to pursue their own interests. Hana'O finds herself wandering the plaza—against her will—in search of food. She feels like a fish out of water being among the general student population again after so long. Everyone was staring at her but most were too polite to approach. Meanwhile, the trio of Morgiana, Weyrose, and Inès makes their way to Class-C's section. [color=#FDDDE6]"Pardon us, but, you [i]are[/i] Nyx Yuria, former Second Seat of the Miracle Seven, correct?"[/color] Weyrose asks. Nyx opens up one eye to see who was addressing him. [color=#86608E]"Hmm...?[/color] He takes notice of Morgiana and Weyrose. Inès stands to the side quietly with arms folded, but soon something catches her eye. She approaches the student in possession of the weapon that she was eyeing. [color=#4D5D53]"Interesting sword. Got a name?"[/color] She asks Caelum. One wonders if she's asking about the sword's name or Caelum's?