Fer hand was extended to shake the other two Hero’s hands. His grip would be firm but not menacing. He wanted to inspire trust but not initiate any sort of competition. His cool manner, however was dashed when the angelic figure emerged from besides the Spear. She introduced herself as Auriel but the rest of the sentence was lost to the young Shield Hero. His eyes took it all in but immediately were drawn to the wings sprouting from her back. Perhaps he should revisit the notion that this was Heaven or a version of it but he knew deep inside his own being that this was not that place. However, this cemented the idea that he was indeed not in his world. He tried not to stare and knew that his mouth was beginning to slacken into an open mouthed embarrassment. He was saved by the distracting comment of the Sword. He immediately turned to Cole and nodded. “I am sorry. I do not know who those people are. I am not from America. I believe you in saying that this is not our world.” His eyes shifted to Auriel as if this would make his point. He listened to the King’s make his announcement. While it was true that Fer had been given a brief summary, his mind was struggling to remember and to make sense of what he had been told. The more he saw or heard the more it made sense. He understood about the Dragon Glass and the Waves and the fact that the Four (?) of them were to be the pillars that would help this world survive. All of that was the preamble for the real goal and aim which was to get back home. He knew that he would have to get stronger. He looked at the people around him and noticed their manner dress. They were armored and armed as people expecting to do battle aught. He looked at his own meager clothing and turned to Cole as he seemed to be the one that perhaps knew the most or at least had the most initiative but he also ensure to make eye contacts with any of the current party to signify that any one of them was welcomed to answer the query. “I think I need to get some equipment. I was also told that I am not able to use weapons that this…” and he brought up his left arm to indicate the bracer like shield permanently attached there. “…would be what I use in fights but I don’t know what to do with it. It does not even look like a shield. Perhaps training can help? If I remember the person correctly, he said that the Wave would be here in two weeks? I am not sure if that is a long enough time so the more I practice the better I can help.” His gaze shifted to Auriel who seemed to be well versed in fighting. His skills as a scout had at the very least taught him to how measure up a person to assess battle proficiency. He gave her an appraisal look and then moved a bit closer extending his arm. “I am sorry if I did not introduce myself earlier. I have never seen….” He gazed fleetingly to the wings and then quickly back at her” … I have never seen the things I see here in this world but it is very nice to meet you Lady Auriel and yes I will need your help. I think we all will.” He smiled but there was tinge of sorrow. He had known many people from his troop who had started a campaign together and few to see its end. This world might be different and have different people and weapons but war was war. He wondered if he would be able to be efficient in this battle field. He did not know the terrain, the enemy and ( lifting up his left arm to stare at the metal bracer in his arm) he definitely did not know his equipment. He made a mental note to learn as much as he could about the capabilities and the “magic” that he could easily feel from the jeweled object. He took a deep breath looked at his companions and a dedicated and resigned tone said “ Ok, what do we do and when do we start?”