[b]On the UNS Erebus...[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gp4BW7P.jpg[/img] The Erebus, along with its sister ship, The Challenger, represent the pinnacle of human engineering. They are the first ships to harness the power of FTL, giving them the capability to travel between stars. The Erebus is specifically designed for interstellar flight, and to withstand years in deep space. The Bridge - Where the flight controls and nav computers are located, overseen by the chief nav officer. CIC - Command in Control is where the Captain maintain his vigilant command over the ship, views situational reports, and relays orders. Officer's Galley - Where the officers eat, relax, and mingle. Officer Quarters - The personal cabins of the Erebus' officers. Sensor Array - The discharge station of neutrinos that gives the Erebus "sight" in deep space. Greenhouse - The immense food processing plant that supplies the crew with nutritious food. Pantry - The storage facility of the ship's non-perishable food. Cryo Bank - The cryogenic freezing facility that houses cryo pods for prolonged cryosleep. Tillium Refinery - The industrial facility that refines tillium ore into fuel. Docking Bay - The landing and housing unit of the ship's mining vessels and atmospheric shuttles. FTL Drive - The FTL Drive core - the workings of which are a closely guarded UN secret. Impulse Drive - The deuterium reactor that propels the Erebus below the speed of light. Fuel Tank - The storage facility for the ship's tillium fuel. Solar Sail Array - The apparatus, that when activated, spans out beyond the starboard and port sides of the ship to catches solar energy. Solar Cells - The ship's solar charged batteries that power the ship.