[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zAxsMGx.png[/img][/center] [hr] She half heard Nina telling her to be careful, and glanced at the younger girl while murmuring, “I’m not going to do it here, don’t worry.” Then she turned her full attention back to Phillis. [quote=Phillis]"... Sweetheart, I would love a demonstration from you,"[/quote] “Well, in that case I’ll definitely have to give you one,” Maya gave a wide smile, even as her cheeks flushed slightly. She lowered her voice, and somewhat suggestively said, “but I’d rather do it somewhere more… private.” She’d leaned in closer to the older woman, casually, as she spoke - and would have said more but noticed Izzy had gotten up to give a demonstration. Maya stayed where she was even as she indicated to the other girl. “Ah, it looks like the demonstration’s starting. Izzy can heal people’s wounds.” She pointed to her own cheek, turning it towards Phillis. “Just earlier I had a bruise here, but it's all healed thanks to her. Her’s is one of the less… combative abilities but incredibly useful. She can do it thanks-” Maya cut herself off, mouth forming a perfect oh shape of faux shock as Izzy put his finger in her mouth. “... she doesn’t normally do it like that.” The demonstration Izzy was giving was… lacklustre at best when it came to actually showing off magic. It was more like she was just sucking off Blake’s finger. Knowing Izzy, that girl knew exactly what she was doing and she [i]definitely[/i] wanted more than that. But it was awful as far as proving magic or showing their true capabilities. Of course Blake would see that his paper cut was healed - but she doubted that Phillis had at all. “Well, that really didn’t show much,” Maya commented, eyebrow raising as she turned back to Phillis. She continued softly, voice heavy with double meaning. “I’m guessing you’ll [i]really[/i] want to see my demonstration after that one.”