[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200507/58ceae45ca4902e40b166f1e5552ec9a.png[/img][color=6FEFFF]_________________________________________________________________[/color][/center] Kriz took Raime's hand as he was helped up. Though he was still pretty strung out from the whole incident it was obvious that his condition had stabilized, on the outside that's what he seemed like. But truth be told even after being given medical attention from his online friend Kriz still felt a troubling tightness in his chest, breathing felt difficult and his muscles tensed and cramped with each breath. Distractions would soon arise thankfully. Kriz made his way closer to the group with slow haggard steps, each placement of his foot carefully balanced and patient to accustom himself to the weight of his body. The conversation about looking up guides or reading instructions arose, which he honestly couldn't contribute to. He was in the same boat as many, having played many similar games in the past rooted confidence in his mind and so he ignored any information about the game other than some item drop stats that people had posted online. It was his loss for taking that route, and others as well. [color=6FEFFF]“I'll definitely be needing some help leveling as well, living beatstick or otherwise.”[/color] The rock that Lew had discretely walked on over to and touched looked like a good resting point. Kriz really wanted to sit down and lean against something to support his back, standing was getting real exhausting real fast, so he did. Slow and steadily he made baby steps towards the keystone walking past the others and breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. When he finally reached the stone, he turned and dropped to his tuchus with a rustled thump into the grass. And he'd slide himself to press his back to the smooth mineral surface of the object that really did stand out to Kriz. [hider=Welcome, Immortal] [center][indent] [quote][i]You received 20 Silver.[/i][/quote] [quote][i]You received Item Pouch (Common).[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Warrior[/i] [sub]+10% HP | +10% STR | +10% END[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Scout[/i] [sub]+5% MP | +10% SP | +10% AGI | +5% DEX [/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Ranger[/i] [sub]+5% STR | +10% END | +15% DEX[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Mage[/i] [sub]+20% MP | +5% END | +5% LUC[/sub][/quote] [/indent][/center] [/hider] Kriz's eyes lit up like the 4th of July, especially when he saw the [b]Ranger[/b] class. It was exactly what he was looking for, he played archery classes in most roleplaying games and didn't really want to deviate from that. He without a second thought reached out and selected the class, maybe the endurance modifier would even fix his broken body or something?