[hr][hr][center][h1][color=40E0A6]Iris Rivers[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a5d3e4b8144a2f7d752080888bc08db5/31e8966cce3f475a-e5/s500x750/7edab2b229a9e3a82b1d05f633dadf2383bc1231.gifv[/img][hr] [color=40E0A6][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Wedding -> Reception [color=40E0A6][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] When Iris first heard about the wedding, she had been less than excited. She didn't believe in the institution of marriage. Wedlock was just that: a lock. If a pair of people love each other, they shouldn't care what the law has to say about their union. Not to mention, she wasn't exactly fond of the idea of sitting in a stuffy church and some over-the-top recital hall for an evening. But she considered Guin a friend, and she liked Pietro well enough, so she decided it would only be right for her to attend. She was pleasantly surprised to discover, however, that both their wedding and reception would be held outside. During the ceremony, Iris had taken a seat in the back. She knew that there were people who were better acquainted with the married couple better than she was, and she was really just lucky to be invited, so she didn't mind being in the pew farthest from the front. Despite having gotten it only a weak prior, grass stains were visible on the bottom of her [url=https://di2ponv0v5otw.cloudfront.net/posts/2019/02/22/5c70a717c617771f2f107aaf/m_5c70a8509fe486391e58b727.jpg]dress[/url], from when she'd decided to take it for a test run around the mansion's gardens. She had listened intently to the vows, savoring them. Even if some might disagree, vows were a deep, heartfelt form of poetry, which Iris appreciated. Despite her enjoyment of the vows, however, she was one among the first people to start towards the reception area once the ceremony was finished. Poetry was all well and good, but nothing beat a good party. Between the ceremony area and the reception area, Iris managed to ditch her flats in a bush, opting to go barefoot. Once there, she began dancing before the music even began. In fact, as soon as they were in the reception area, she couldn't help but start bouncing on her heels as she walked, her lengthy limbs rhythmically swaying around her body. Despite this, she didn't head to the dance floor, instead dancing around the outskirts of the clearing, making her way to the bar, where she grabbed a bottle of beer. Growing up with a rather relaxed parental figure, it often slipped her mind that drinking at her age was technically against the law. She continued to move wherever her subconscious took her, until the music actually began, at which point, a grin spread across her lips. [color=40E0A6]"You guys might've fucked up with pollution, capitalism, and corporate greed, but your modern music is fucking dope!"[/color] It was unclear who exactly she was talking to, but the person closest in vicinity to her was Bethany Bell, the X-Men's resident goth.