Brightness.... It was far too bright. He couldn't even keep his eyes open; hells, but it even painful to keep them closed. He tried to sit up but was almost literally struck by a rush of raw nerves to his head, including a distinct ringing in his ears like someone had dropped a Vrasil-Wasp nest in his ear. He reached up instinctively to cover his ears and was immediately beset by stinging up his right side which blossomed into a distinct stinging pain. He felt two weights pressing down on him and muffled noises that sounded something akin to speech. Even in his addled state Kevej realised this was probably someone telling him to not move, and so he lay back down and tried to get comfy in that funny way someone does whilst trying to move as little as possible. He blinked, and was immediately aware that some time had passed. The room was still too bright, but the buzzing in his head had subsided to bearable levels. A figure loomed over his left side and it took a few moments for Kevej to groggily recognise him as Kai, who was currently injecting Kevej with something that was likely aiding his cognitive re-awakening. Kevej did his best to smile. [color=violet]"Thanks Kai'Mos, I guess this is why you get paid the big bucks."[/color] He noticed a figure to his right side, and once again went through the drug-hazed jigsaw that was faces to recognise this was the Captain. Even in his current state he recognised her rank before her name. [color=violet]"Captain..."[/color] his mind cut off his speech with visions of the recent past, [color=violet]"...Andrea... saw the warning first, she pushed me ahead of her. I wish I could've done the same for her."[/color] he knew the words sounded hollow the moment they left his mouth. He knew he couldn't go back and change how things had gone, he knew it was luck of the draw and he knew Maria saw it this way too and didn't hold him accountable. But there was a frustration and anger that was welling up inside him, at the unfairness of it all. He felt like crying, he felt like... He didn't know how he felt. Instead he just lay there and sighed. Which hurt. He was beginning to realise everything hurt.