[u][b]Name:Randy Johnson[/b][/u] [u][b]Age:42[/b][/u] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com%2Fazdailysun.com%2Fcontent%2Ftncms%2Fassets%2Fv3%2Feditorial%2F0%2F05%2F00512e56-4d7a-11e3-8f2d-001a4bcf887a%2F52854ba340f83.image.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img] [b]Personality: Easy going, laid back, outdoorsy type, animal lover and easy to talk to in a pinch, quiet and reserved, doesn't get excited too many times during an emergency. [/b] [u][b]Skills:[/b] [/u] Federal Raptor License State Hunting License Falconry ( Raptor- Hunting) Husbandry ( Teamster / Farrier ) Amature Vet ( if you have birds, you learn this) USAR (Reservist) MOS 00R ( Raptor Handler) Butcher EMT / Firefighter Volunteer Railroad worker Background Life: Outdoorsy, country living Farmer Avid Hunter FFA (Future Farmer of America) 4-H member [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] western saddle, rope, camping kit, tent, food, water, farrier equipment, Tack, blankets, feed bags, Feed for animals, outdoor cookware, dry goods, ( salt, coffee, powdered eggs, bacon ( cured ), Raptor Handling gear with facemask helmet, PRC-128 radio, "clicker" x 2, strobe light communicator, etc [u][b]Backstory: [/b][/u] Grew up in the foothills of West Virginia, did the FFA and 4-H as he grew up, apprenticed as a butcher during high school, works at the classification yard at the trailhead. RJ trained with military as the program expanded, he was one of the first reservist to work with military-grade raptors, this is a big step up from handling the smaller civil types. RJ spent 6 years in the reserves and some months on special duty training (ADT) to work with these Raptors. RJ’s regular job is working with train stock as a railroad worker, the transportation of such dangerous creatures was left to the feds and like nukes, they are transported as freight, during the day, priority. RJ has been with NSF for 12 years now and in the reserves for 8. To this day he still works on his parent’s ranch out in the desert near NTC (National Training Center) Barstow, Ca. RJ was one of the few to get his license in the first run, so he now has some experiance working with civilian raptors at his parents ranch, which lead him into joining the militarty to learn more and work with bigger raptors. [u][b]Other:[/u][/b] Horse, two mules ( Jack and molly), so wold these raptors see them as food, well... humans are ALOT smaller... so yes. But during imprinting, dogs, horses, and mules could be seen like humans... to the birds we are just a tool. They don’t get mad like dogs. They are not affectionate, they hunt, procreate, and eat more, oh... have to make droppings a lot of that and depending on the bird, either straight down or horizontal. [b][u]Allergies: ASA, PCN, Milk, bee stings[/b][/u] (Anything not in the other categories, including character quirks or phobias, or trivial things like allergies or food they can't stand) [pending]