[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kTBTFcc.png[/img] [sub][@SilverPaw][@samakama][/sub][/center] [color=7ea7d8]“Huh?”[/color] Kress turned around, and in that moment of indecision, Misaiya could see someone else slip right in front of the blue-haired boy. Not that the boy in question seemed to notice or care. Smiling at his fellow first year, he chimed, [color=7ea7d8]“Yup, nice to meetcha too! And don’t worry, there wasn’t anything much said. Just some lively debate over what it means to be placed in Class C.”[/color] As he spoke, Kress’s eyes scanned over the truant student’s attire. Interesting clothes, for sure. He was pretty surprised, even, that those fancy robes hadn’t been snagged onto anything yet. Magical? Or mighty? Who knew? Misaiya probably did. [color=7ea7d8]“By the way, how d-”[/color] Then a familiar face popped up. Not so familiar that he knew much about her at all, of course, but Ankaa was certainly a member of the class, and was certainly a girl, so that was already two things he did know. A silent apology must be said though, to those who she pushed aside on her way here. [color=7ea7d8]“Hiya, Ankaa,”[/color] Kress said. [color=7ea7d8]“This is Misaiya, who’s pretty late…but also I’m sure Professor Yu- I mean, Nyx, didn’t actually take attendance. Probably hard to notice, but he wasn’t ticking any boxes or anything over there. So there's like, every chance in the world that he's fine. And yup, I’m just waiting in line-” [/color]when there wasn’t a line [color=7ea7d8]“-and Misaiya just said he’d want to join up. You wanna as well? They even have a shark there to pose with!”[/color] She looked curious enough about the whole affair. First time seeing this, maybe?