[b][i]William Ascot[/i][/b] When preparations for the competition began and there was literally no evidence of cheating from either side, William was pleasantly surprised - That meant more time to copy enchantments and forge items. Already, his ‘Soul Forge’ spell was activated and he was using his other powers to conjure up metal and additional pieces of wood.and bone for his next sword - Revelation. Revelation will then be empowered by the next series of spells he saw and copied with his Enchantment-Copying Eyes, and if [i]those[/i] spells do not fit the name ‘Revelation’, he’d just name his sword something else. A glance at Helena and William felt a surge of admiration - It seemed she was the reason there was no cheating, at least for now. Good. Now to wait for everyone else to draw Magical Artifacts - He was already discreetly copying the Darvon Sisters' Magitech and the powers those manifested. Hopefully, they didn't notice, but he can always pay them back anyway. William briefly paused as his thoughts were diverted to another direction… He needed a source of information for his goals - Without information, his dreams of independent action would be stillborn. Thankfully, [i]Jacob[/i] was not the only one with connections, even though William will admit that he was worse at playing the game of espionage. Scratch that, he was a newbie. [i]I hope you’re doing Okay, Jacob,[/i] were his thoughts as he looked to see if his brother was a spectator... [@Nimbus][@The Jest][@LilSwifty][@Landaus Five-One][@Smike][@Nyxira]