[@Crab Bane] Help please! My first question is.. what information can I get about the "civilian" raptors, can you train them and if so... just for hunting?. I didn't want to go in a direction for it didn't exist in your world. what is the raptors quarry, when "Mann on", what happens to the raptor?. Do the handlers use some form a raptor bells or some form of telemetry? what animals are used to train them as prey? Are civilians licensed with the federals as well are in current hawking today? most raptors today fear dogs because they are competition ( other hunters), animals that have one eye on each side of the head are not a threat during "Manning" and easier to work with. Dogs and humans have two eyes in the front of their face, most birds fear this. These raptors are much bigger, faster and vicious. do handler wear any special equipment, I use a long leather glove when "manning or working "step ups" with my birds. do we use "hoods" as we do in modern times? If you can tell me what a handler would have, I would like to take a chance and hopefully write something that is well within your vision of the story.