You know what's terrible about insomnia? Or more accurately self induced insomnia, because damn sleeping sucks: it's all rargh nightmares and dreams that you suppose aren't technically nightmares because you're getting everything you ever wanted in the dream just in the worst way and cessation of consciousness. What if you just don't wake up one day? That's terrifying. Sleep is terrible and it's a horrible thing to need to do, and I for one would rather get so much more done during the wee hours when everyone else appears to need to do it and I can be left alone. But that's a tangent, insomnia sucks because you can't do things well after a point. You can try, but then you're all fuzzy after a point and if you're trying to work with delicate things or hot things or sharp jagged things, all of which describe blowing glass, you might after a time be inclined to stop blowing glass after you start to drift and it starts sagging off the pole and dripping towards your shoe. So you might build up a backlog of things you've wanted to do, while doing the prep which does not involve as much fire, as well as doing all the paperwork and chores you could think you needed because you need something to keep yourself awake another hour or two. But that, my friend, describes [i]yesterday[/i]. And last night, for the first time in you don't want to know, Mila got enough sleep. More than enough, really, she's only been awake and refreshed for an hour or so. And she can do things and be perfectly focused on them. And then. AND THEN. The bloody day's too hot to want to be [i]anywhere[/i] near a furnace. So that's why she happens to be relaxing by the seaside, sketching the boats coming into the docks. A good sea breeze, practice, and something to work off of for her next piece, when the sun's set, the moon is up, and it's cool enough to even begin to think about being near open flame.