Neil was impressed with just how much material the scorpions had acquired, and he was equally impressed with how wasted most of it was. The barbed wire was stretched around like a serpent, going back and forth with plenty of areas a determined man could crawl through. The trenches around it were similarly jerry-built, and Neil was just glad they didn't have the stupidity to dig across the road they were driving on. The gates slid open shakily with a primitively automated system, and it was actually pretty funny that the whooping and hollering thugs were trying to keep their enthusiasm even as they sat waiting for the gate to fully roll open. Neil sat there, bouncing from the shoddy engine of the vehicle they were in. He looked at Junebug and Taya with a raised eyebrow. After a full minute, the cries began anew when the path was clear and they drove up to the house, turrets placed in a variety of places without planning it seemed. Large double barrel turrets with, to Neil and Junebug's practiced eye, 35 mm slug rounds. The pilot could tell it was an automatic weapon and was highly volatile but powerful. "When was the last time you boys were hit by the Spiders?" Neil asked the thug to his left, his crew members on his right. The man, if it could be called a man for his face was bloated and putrid and he had one eye, turned to him and merely grunted. Neil wasn't certain he knew how to speak at all, and Warez spoke up from across the way. "We have a few hits every now and then, fucker. But we send them scuttling back to mama, eh!? He cried, and they all cheered just before the vehicles halted in the front dirt lot, kicking up dust and debris into the air. All of them vaulted and leaped out of the vehicles in a timely manner, as if it had been practiced. Neil and the others were just a second behind, and they were inducted into the house. It was large, but hardly enough room for so many gangsters. Over a dozen of them ran down stairs and Neil theorized they lived down there among a larger complex. Neil, Taya, and Junebug however were brought by Warez and his largest thugs to the third floor, which looked to be one single roo that covered the entire story. As they made their way in, they could see couches and tables, with a corner of the huge room covered in curtains to keep out prying eyes. "Yo Stinger! We got some new recruits!" Warez yelled. The curtains opened up, and the men suddenly knelt when Stinger walked out. He didn't have the look Neil thought he might. Mostly because he was a she, thick bodied with full lips and curls that reached down to her shoulders. There was a dangerous look to her indigo eyes, and on her arm was a scorpion tattoo. She downed the last dregs of a whiskey bottle and set it down on the table next to her. "Yeah I can see that, Warez" She sneered. When he opened his mouth to speak, she shot him a look that killed the noise in his throat. [@Penny]