[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200507/38f87679bd6f933191c61dd68a1dce13.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9MHWzt0.png[/img][/center] [sup][b][Mentions][/b][/sup] [@Searat][@OwO] @TheBoulder[hr] [center][i][sup]The hour has come- for the greatest healer this world has ever seen to make her rise to fame! Right? Please?...[/sup][/i][/center] "[color=orchid][i][b]Thank you, Raime, once I've recovered from this condition- pocket heals for eternity.[/b][/i][/color]" Calace groaned these words out as she leaned on his shoulder and slowly made her way to the mighty boulder o' legend with the rest of the group. Calace beamed at everyone who got to select their class before her. It was only a matter of time before we had a designated damage sponge, some long-range dps, some mobility, all that was left was her role. You could see it on her face as she braced herself for that moment- her eyes closed and she slowly took light steps through the grass towards the mighty boulder. The small pale arm extended out with an open hand to press the "free shit stone" and she braced herself for the time of choice to be revealed to her. [hider=Welcome, Immortal] [center][indent] [quote][i]You received 20 Silver.[/i][/quote] [quote][i]You received Item Pouch (Common).[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Warrior[/i] [sub]+10% HP | +10% STR | +10% END[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Scout[/i] [sub]+5% MP | +10% SP | +10% AGI | +5% DEX [/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Ranger[/i] [sub]+5% STR | +10% END | +15% DEX[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Mage[/i] [sub]+20% MP | +5% END | +5% LUC[/sub][/quote] [/indent][/center] [/hider] "[color=orchid][i][b]There isn't a healer class? There's two physical DPS classes but not a supportive role? There's a tank, and just a bunch of damage roles- I'm repeating myself but I seem to be at a lapse. This is unbelievable, absolute heresy, unfathomably irritating.[/b][/i][/color]" Calace looked dumbfounded as she simply stared at the screen that revealed itself to her with an open maw, her expression contorting with confusion every couple of moments as she struggled to come to terms with this new reality. And then a sigh of defeat was exhumed from her small mouth- and she shook her head as it hung down with defeat. Her hand raised up to brush some loose lavender strands from her face and tuck them behind her right ear, and then that same hand reached out and slowly pressed on the the tab that definitely said Mage. An enormous frown developed on her lips, perhaps an dramatized exaggeration, but in Calace's heart this was the deepest wound that could be inflicted. It had been ten- maybe fifteen years since she had played anything other than a healer or support in any video game. The girl intentionally pigeonholed herself because that was the playstyle that she found the most fulfillment in, and why play these games if you weren't going to attain that fulfillment? Calace's frown would finally develop into a full-fledged scowl as she slid her hand from the mighty boulder and back to her side, dusting the grodey-traitor boulder dust from her palm. "[color=orchid][i][b]Guess I'll take the MP% increase for future decisions from the Mage. Don't expect me to cast 'E x p l o s i o n' or anything. So- as soon as I see someone with clerical abilities, I'm going to suck up to them until they tell me where they got them. I don't even care what I have to do! Maybe the currency could be used to buy equipment suitable for a different role, and over time that could unlock them or-[/b][/i][/color]" She turned to look over to Mags, her purple sights squinting and her shoulders raising. "[color=orchid][i][b]Maybe if you start punching things, you'll get some fist-fighting skills?[/b][/i][/color]" Calace knew she was reaching, but she desperately wanted to maintain that 'fantasy' that she wished to have.