[B]Name: [/B]Princess Lillian Valecourt [B]Gender: [/B]Female [B]Age: [/B]22 [B]Crest: [IMG]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/2/22/Crest_of_Cethlenn.png/revision/latest?cb=20190619162941[/IMG][/B] Crest of Valecourt: Increases the effect of recovery magic. It appears on her left hand [B]Region / House: [/B]House Valecourt, the ruling family of Fódlan. The palace is located in Enbarr, the capital city of the Adrestian Empire. [B]Skills: [/B]Faith, Lance, Riding (corresponding to Holy Knight) [B] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/X8hGwmw.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/YPxzkWX.png[/IMG] [B]Appearance: [/B][/B]Lillian stands at exactly six feet tall. She's used to being the tallest woman in the room at any given time. She has perfect posture, something that has been ingrained into her since young. She moves with elegance and grace. Things a princess should always have. She has a slender build, but still has a feminine figure. She was born with fair skin that does not tan easily. Her hair is long, silky smooth, and perfectly straight. It’s naturally blonde, and and her bangs are side swept. She normally wears it down, but does put up for occasions that require it. She has a heart shaped face, with a small upturned nose, and her features are soft and feminine. She has bright blue eyes, a feature that is common in her family. When it comes to clothing, Lillian wears only the best. Her royal gowns are made from the finest silks and fabrics you can get. She wears elaborate gowns around the palace, usually in various shades of purple, the color of the Royal family. Around the academy, she wears a more practical purple dress and overcoat. It is still made from expensive fabrics most people can’t afford. On her feet are purple boots that are more comfortable than the heels she often wears around the palace. She also wears a lot of gold jewelry, as is common for royalty. Her most prominent accessory is her golden tiara that sits on her head. A symbol that she is next in line for the throne. She is never seen without it. While in battle, she dons armor made especially for her. It is lavender in color, and has intricate designs carved into it. Her entire body is covered with matching chestplate, greaves, gauntlets, shoulder pads, and cussies. She also wears tall lavender boots. She dons a purple cape, and her signature gold tiara on top of her head. Under the armor, she wears a form fitting long sleeved purple bodysuit, and tights. She rides into battle on top of her golden horse, named Apollo. [B][B]Personality:[/B] [/B]Lilian is a true princess, and carries herself as such. Since birth, she was taught to be elegant and graceful at all times, and still holds herself to those standards. She's a cool, calm, and collected young woman, who can keep a level-head when going into stressful situations. Her calmness also means she doesn't openly show her emotions too often. She is very slow to anger, and if she finds something funny the most you'll get is a smirk. When she talks to someone, she'll be blunt and get straight to the point. Lilian is not shy and submissive in the slightest. She was trained to be the Emperor one day, which means she can't allow people to walk all over her. She will not hesitate to correct someone she deems is being rude. Until she started attending the academy, Lilian spent much of her time on her family's estate. She was homeschooled her entire life, and taught all of the rules and expectations that come with being the future emperor. She spends a lot of time alone, or with her retainer. She doesn't have much experience dealing with people who don't work for her. She expects to be treated like a Princess at all times, and as such often doesn't know how to respond when she isn't. She also can be a spoiled brat at times. She enjoys living the glamorous princess lifestyle, being given lavish gifts, and having wealth to spend on whatever she likes. Lillian is eager to prove herself the best Emperor this country has ever seen. She wasn't supposed to be the next emperor, so now that she's an heir, she's determined to prove that the Goddess' will was correct. Her calm nature sometime makes her come off as cold to others, but that assessment couldn't be further from the truth. She's actually quite friendly around people she actually does know. She does have emotions, it's just that one has to try very hard to get her to show them. In conversation, she is a great listener, who will quietly and politely take in and absorb what others have to say. She pays attention, and offers advice if it's wanted. She's also very good at calming people during bad situations. She has a fascination with myths and legends, and has read a bunch of books about them. She is a believer of the goddess, and spends time praying while in the monastery. On the subject of Crests, she rather likes them. Hers gave her power, and a chance to rule when she otherwise would not have had one. She feels like the people that complain about them are only upset that they don't have one themselves. [B] [B]History:[/B] [/B]The Emperor of Fodlan and his wife wanted to have children. It was their duty to produce heirs. They've tried many times to conceive, and would either fail to do so, or miscarry. After praying to the Goddess many times, the queen finally got pregnant, and carried the children to term. The couple was happy, and they were even more thrilled to discover that the goddess had gifted them with twins! Lillian was born to house Valecourt a few minutes before her brother. Despite this, her brother was chosen to be the heir because tradition stated that first born son inherits the throne. For years, her brother was the one trained to be the heir. Even though Lillian and her mother didn't find this fair, they both accepted it, as that was the tradition. For most of their childhoods, Lillian and her brother Rowan were very close. They played together often, and Rowan was very protective of his sister. In addition, Lillian was also close with her Retainer, Niko. Whenever Rowan was busy, she would often play with him. As a child, she enjoyed styling his long silver hair into elaborate hairstyles. Things changed when the twins turned twelve. The Crest of Valecourt suddenly appeared on Lillian's left hand one day. The same Crest did not appear anywhere on Rowan despite all the tests they put him through. So, right then and there, Lillian was made the next heir instead of her brother. Now she would receive the same leadership training her brother had gotten. Her mother was very happy that her daughter would be the first woman to carry the title of Emperor. Gradually, the twins grew apart. Primarily because Lillian was so busy with her leadership training, having to catch up on twelve years worth of lessons. Her brother was also busy with his own agenda. Lillian didn't really have much time to spend socializing with others her own age. The only person she was really close to was her retainer. At some point, she was also enrolled at the Officer's Academy at the Garech Mach Monastery. Mostly out of necessity. It was important for the future Emperor to be able to defend her country when needed. In Lillian's case, she also needed to learn white magic in order to properly make use of her Crest and support her allies. Despite being surrounded by others her own age, Lillian didn't have much interactions with her fellow students. She was preparing to be the next Emperor, she didn't have time for friends. The Companionship of her Retainer was good enough. [B] Other: [/B]Insists on being called Lillian, Princess, or Princess Lillian. Only close friends/family members are allowed to call her Lilly.