Argh! Kazelia rattles her chains, but they just rattle in response and then pull her arm tight to the wall with an uncomfortable clinking. She'd never been in the Puzzle-Box before. The penalties of being such a well-behaved daughter most of her life, never needing such things from Oberon unlike some of her sisters meant she didn't know the best escape from it now. She could figure it out, given time, but listening to Shiva's suffering was already unbearable and she regretted picking Kyouko back up when she could have left her hidden and safe from the Garthim. She wasn't gagged though, nor cursed or silenced. And so she sang out her defiance. Because she knew this wouldn't last. She knew her father was only stalling the inevitable. She knew that no chains and chills could last. "Come and find me! Father, come and find me! You think your chains can hold and these walls can stand firm but the sun is rising and all storms break No Riders at your banner's call No well-wishers for your wedding day Nothing left for your hands to hold but cold steel all alone You think that you can stop us but the sun is rising soon and all storms break So come and find me! Father, come and find me!"