I have Disney+ free through Verizon for a year and I watched The Mandalorian too. Absolutely spectacular. Star Wars should have been a TV show years ago though I understand the show is extremely expensive to produce. I'm glad you said that! The Winter Soldier is still, to me, the single best Marvel movie out of all of them--including Endgame and Infinity War. Why do I say that? It's the only movie I can show someone who doesn't care anything about superheroes or the MCU at all and they would not only understand it, they would enjoy it. It's a movie that exists within its own right while also. connecting to the others in clever ways if you've seen them. And it shocked the hell out of me when I saw it in theaters because I was not a Captain America fan before that. That highway fight is still one of the best fight scenes in the whole MCU, I swear. My top three goes: 1. Winter Soldier 2. Infinity War (I love a movie that follows a villain and he even winds in the end. It was a fucking perfect movie for that alone. And that villain was amazingly handled as well. 3. Civil War / Endgame (I can't decide between the two cause Civil War had balls to the wall action and everyone was getting it in. It also featured a villain who actually won in the end and the ramifications of what he did were even felt all the way up until Endgame if you really paid attention. It was perfect. But then Endgame wrapped up the series so beautifully and I cried all three times I watched Tony Stark sacrifice himself in theaters. Coming full circle after ten years was emotional. But it was a perfect ending to me. So they're tied for third haha.