[quote=@BenG85] I find it odd to complain about having to read on an internet forum. [/quote] I'll play devil's advocate for a second here. Fact of the matter is, most of what's written on this site isn't very interesting and/or good. I'll be the first to admit my writing's absolute unreadable garbage, because we're a forum of hobbyists that all have conflicting styles and priorities. The problem isn't reading a lot. A lot of people here [i]do[/i] read books, or have at least voluntarily read a book in their life. People just don't like reading paragraphs upon paragraphs of boring setting dump for an idea that doesn't sound nearly as cool as it did in the author's head. This isn't even a dig at anyone in specific; personally I read everything I can, but I admit it can often feel "in one ear, out the other" at times because I'm more "comprehending" than I am "consuming"