[hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fbjDf03P/811f468296e2c205d4b5d19d5d6c0b9ff7745b0e-00.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] Amtrak - North Dakota [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Nancy's head was pounding, but she nodded at Madalyne as her best friend helped her up to her feet. [color=#9370DB]"Truthfully didn't even know I could do that,"[/color] she admitted. Prophecy was a rare gift among the children of Apollo. The only other one she knew with it was Alexandra and Nancy avoided her like the plague. She had even heard some stories about people with prophetic abilities ending up being cursed if they didn't do exactly what the gods wanted - one of her half-siblings had been cursed for sharing the future, she couldn't remember his name. Cassandra had been cursed to have no one believe her. And even if those with prophetic abilities weren't cursed, they ended up old and withered [i]or[/i] with an inappropriate sense of rage towards stuffed animals. [color=#9370DB]"Oh gods, I could kill for some chicken fries..."[/color] Nancy agreed wistfully. Her stomach then growled in agreement. With people going back onto the train, she figured that they might as well follow suit. She didn't want to have to rely on Madalyne's magic to stop the train on a routine basis, that couldn't have been easy. [color=#9370DB]"Yeah, let's go,"[/color] Nancy said, before getting back on board.