[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200518/bec02375bb9e80015263b54299608b50.png[/img][/centre] Tony nodded. A little surprised he could understand the question asked in Japanese. He gestured to the glowing symbol above his own head, [color=7FFFD4]"And what if we already know who our parents are?"[/color] He smiled. [color=7FFFD4]"Never mind. I'll find Ryƫjin's cabin."[/color] He said in Japanese as he turned to leave he stopped. Releasing what he had said. [color=7FFFD4]"Fucking Oath."[/color] he said reverting back to English. [color=7FFFD4]"That's trippy as hell."[/color] He continued on his way. Leaving the tour group. Off to go find his cabin. Kicking off his thongs, and picking them up, he walked barefoot to find his cabin. Stobbing at an intersection of two walking tracks, he paused. Not really sure which way to go, but remembered seeing a lake down to the right, so he picked that direction. He kept walking until he made it to the lake. Setting his bag down he took off his shirt. Getting ready for a swim. He gently grasped the shark tooth hanging from his neck Closing his eyes, he slowly walked out into the water.