After a very brief time to look over their things and prepare, the party continued through the hall that began to slope up. As they did, they could hear faint discussion ahead, walking closer they could easily make out one voice to be the Ironbane himself having some discussion with someone. Nearing the voices they could see the turn in the hall that would lead to where they would likely see Angus and this other person. But before making that turn, Celeste who walked beside Najila, slowly began to stagger her pace with the group. Trying to speak, there was a bit of a stutter in her fearful soft voice, "T-that voice, that elf m-man". But as she felt her severed horn, her free hand firmly balled into a fist, one of rage. "No, j-just like those t-thugs. We can do the same to h-him." Before the party could turn the corner, they could now hear the conversation clearly enough as Angus spoke, "That's a bridge that will be crossed when it's reached." Angus growled in response to the other person. "But whatever solution is reached couldn't be worse that leavin' the lass 'ere to get 'er other horn lopped off or somethin' else like that. Speakin' o' which, time fer me last question. Why her? What reason could ye possibly 'ave fer keepin' the poor girl locked up down 'ere an' doin' such awful things to 'er?" If looking around the edge of the turn, you would see down the hall about 60 ft away stood Angus in a very spacious room with a humanoid thug and two kobolds fallen at the end of the hall where Angus stood. On the other end of the room, about 40ft away from Angus, stood tall slender middle aged male half elf with short black wavy hair wearing a black robe that concealed the rest of this body. The half elf had his arms folded in front as he listened to Angus's question and replied back with a big grin on his face. "The same reason we decided to keep you and your lot in the dungeon alive, potential. Because we detected the girl having more potential than anyone else we captured before, we just had to have questions answered. So her horn and her guardians' cooperation were needed."