[@Lucius Cypher] How would Orchid have reached the half elf when he was about 100ft away from where most of the party was? Angus is about 60 ft from the party, standing at the end of the hall that opens to the spacious room where on the other side of the room, about 40 ft away is the half elf. There is the homebrew that I mentioned where you can use your entire turn to move 5 times your speed in a straight line, but it would mean you wouldn't be able to attack on that turn. Also I'm not really counting it as a surprise round charging ahead as running down from 100 ft from where the elf is facing is something he can easily see and not be surprised. So your latest post would be Orchid's turn. [@Guardian Angel Haruki] Najila is find as you were holding your action, thus were at the ready to fire and the spell was in range.