[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=B37097]Pandora Quill[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/279572891/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Wichita, Kansas - Trailhead -> Ranger Station Skills: Deception[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Pandora could see what her mother's intention was, but as Pandora had stated, she was going about it the wrong way. She didn't feel it likely the two girls would join their cause, especially having lied to them in the first place. Whatever her mother's intention was, it was clear it was becoming desperate. Merlin was gathering the children to protect them from her mother, surely. It would take more than a convincing word to get them to switch sides. If that was even possible. As they approached the ranger station, Pandora wondered what was the plan now. Her mother continued to leave her in the dark. Did this call for more lies? “Once they leave the building I’ll put a spell on both of them, and make them come with us, unless you have any other suggestions?” Pandora admitted to herself she didn't. They tried diplomacy once and it didn't work. [color=B37097]"I'll provide back-up in case it doesn't work, but I don't think conversation will get it done, right now."[/color]