[hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WSEpsYm5RZ1RXRmpSRzl1WVd4ay4w/sniper.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] A crash, then silence. Trent felt himself weighless, his whole body vibrating from the force. It wasn't pain, just...numbness, that overcame him. The screams of the other passengers on the boat become overrun by a high ringing. Trent hit something hard back-first; what was left of his breath erupted out from his mouth with the impact. He thrashed about in the water, body still numb and shaking and uncontrolled. He heaved, and his lungs filled with water. The last thing he heard was [b]""[/b] [hr] [color=LightSteelBlue]"Hey...Hey Trent? You...okay?"[/color] Trent coughed up seawater mixed with mucus. He felt wet mud beneath his head, and a cold breeze overtop. Grass tickled the back of his neck and forearms. He groaned, and the pain hit him: his head throbbed and his eyes ached like nothing he'd ever felt before. He opened them, partially-blinded by the sun. Strange silhouettes floated past his eyes; he though spirits at first, but they were just artifacts from the impact. Slowly, Trent struggled to his hands and knees, Finn's hand on his back. He coughed a few more times, then clutched his head with his hands: the light hurt so badly it brought tears to his eyes. [b]""[/b] Saint Jimmy's voice boomed through Trent's head, and he visibly flinched. Trent rolled over onto his side, still covering his face. He could hear...children? All around them came the noise: balls bouncing, feet crushing grass, jump ropes skipping against concrete. The noise...christ the noise all hurt so bad. "Finn..." Trent sobbed. "I wanna go home."