[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z9J2FSG.png[/img] [sub][@Majoras End][/sub][/center] Well, Fine hadn't exactly expected things to turn out the way they did, but hm. Turns out Myria's bad driving habits worked out for the better, this time around. As Eliza got to work, the silver-haired dame glanced towards the others that had congregated around her. Three of them were irrelevant, but the fourth...an Empress-class, likely a Patron. She had heard that Vermillion made Penrose her home, but to think there was another as well, not to mention the Monster Queen still lurking above. Certainly an interesting place to be, Penrose. Leaning against a wall, Fine lit a match, popped out a cigarette, and took a smoke. The night hasn't ended. It'd be interesting to see what Evira had to say, once all was said and done. Less interesting, of course, would be finding out how depraved this lady friend of her's truly was. Ah well. Geneva Conventions didn't apply to magicals. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ygTHKGp.png[/img] [sub]@Penrose City Riots[/sub][/center] The downpour did not abate. That was convenient. Magical girls and monstrous girls fought, half-blind and soaked. The Penrose Independent. The Archive. The Ebon Mint. Beacon. Ascendancy. Crimson Cradle. And all those inbetween. It took some legwork, but it was useful. She had seventy faces to use now. Her kusuri-gama twirled in the air, a comforting sound. Her map shone in the damp dark, a magical warmth. Her artifact hummed, the first of a dozen. Time to work. She shifted, and disappeared.