[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200505/4dc96afd940d926811381f2235b82a9d.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b] Everbrook Public Library[/b] Entrance, May 28th 2020. [/color][hr][/right] [indent] [color=dodgerblue]"It's Will,"[/color] he responded to the Canadian girl. He couldn't fault her for not knowing his name, after all, he didn't even have an idea on how to pronounce hers. Still, her assertations were right; he [i]felt[/i] something was off. His sister had a big book that went into all of the different signs of a haunting. It had been based on one of those stupid ghost-hunting shows that had been all the rage a decade ago. But he remembered several of the signs quite well. [i]Unexplained temperature changes. Strange glitches with technology. Unusual smells. Objects moving and strange sounds. Animals reacting in strange, unnatural ways.[/i] [color=dodgerblue]"Temperature changes and strange sounds..."[/color] he muttered to himself. It wasn't enough to go around shouting "GHOSTS! We've got ghosts here!" He was weird enough at school without getting his ass kicked every day. Besides, he still had to survive senior year. Other girls were also mentioning the cold, and Will nodded to them walking over to one of the vents in the room, running his hand in front of it. [i]Nothing.[/i] [color=dodgerblue]"The air's not running,"[/color] he mentioned, and looked back to the stacks. [color=dodgerblue]"I came here to get a book from the basement, but when I tried to go down the stairwell, the door was locked. The staff elevator isn't working either."[/color] Glitches with technology too. Three signs. He started walking towards the stacks again, looking towards the corner door that led to the stairwell. [i]It was wide open as if something was holding it open.[/i] He turned back to the others. [color=dodgerblue]"I swear when I got here the door was shut and lock-"[/color] As he turned back to the stacks, he could see the soft motion of cloth in the corner of the door as if a woman's dress had moved enough to be seen. [i]Like someone was holding the door open for them.[/i] Will looked to Jenny Emerson, who was either so involved in her shitty Netflix show that she didn't even register the change in temperature and the commotion from the teenagers in the room, or she just didn't feel anything. Not that Will thought she'd be much help anyway. [color=dodgerblue]"I'm going to check it out."[/color] Sarah was always going on about exploring and finding the unknown. This was his chance to do the same. He started walking down the stacks, seeing the door close gently as he moved towards the door. [color=dodgerblue]"Is-is anyone there? Is anyone in the stairwell?"[/color] [i]No answer.[/i] The only way to move now was forward, for him at least. Anyone else was free to follow or stand around and talk, or wait. But you would have to be a blind idiot to think that there was nothing weird at all going on. [/indent]