[Img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190909/a5c38c2717b4a85142ab69dbdfa0a23d.png[/img] [Color=silver][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Afternoon [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=silver][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [@Tae] Torvi [hr] Umber kept up his friendly smile as he guided Torvi across the dance floor. [Color=silver]"Torvi… It's always wonderful to be introduced to someone with a name I've never encountered. It shows that life still has new things to offer me."[/color] He commented before continuing to move to the music with grace. This form that Aklenroth had given him was so easy to use. Fewer arms, fewer eyes, no tail, and he could comfortably fit through entryways. The most difficult addition was the mouth. The only thing he had learned was to smile. He had been told that it was all he would need when emoting, but he disagreed. The faces of many of his victims contorted in many unique ways and he doubted a smile could replace all of them. Then again, he had heard that joy could be found anywhere. When Torvi asked about the ball's host, he looked up towards "Vaeril," seated at the upper level of the ballroom with a blank expression. When his gaze returned to Torvi, his smile returned. He had already identified her as a human, but perhaps she could lead him to more. He would engage her in conversation and present himself as trustworthy. [Color=silver]"You sound as if you fancy him. Vaeril… I didn't become acquainted with him until about half a century ago, but I can only speak positively of him. He's an elf that is very out of his time. You know, the type that wishes to shape the world for the better the best they can, but they are just much too late… This ball means a lot to him. A chance to find those who might have a likeness of mind… I want to help him find people who believe in what he does and I believe there are some in attendance… Those who believe that it's only natural that all things fear death."[/color] Umber had rambled... or did he. If he wanted to find rebels and make them trust him, he had to act like one himself. He couldn't be blatant or wait for his prey. He needed to bait them like a hunter using a call or urine to lure them into a false sense of familiarity and comfort. Umber did not have the ability to use his illusions, but a silver tongue worked just as well. [hr] [Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Late Afternoon [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Tae] Azriel [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Darius had been having fun speaking to Azriel, but that hadn't stopped him from feeling a little down about not having run into another human since arriving in Avalia. Her answer about Jack, was honestly one he didn't quite understand. Everyone had something off to say about this Jack guy. There were never positive things said about him, which led Darius to believe that the guy might not be mentally fit. Darius was aware the DROMs weren't selective when choosing what to pull into Avalia. Anything and anyone was fair game. His idea of Jack's inability was quickly pushed aside by Azriel's next statement. Her mention of several humans being identified at the ball caused him to stop in his tracks. He stared into her eyes in his silent shock. He had been told previously not to expect any humans to be here, and according to Azriel Umber had found several. [Color=mediumpurple]"What… Several?"[/color] Darius said in a hushed voice that was on the verge of coming out at a normal volume that would carry his words to other ears. He noticed they were still among dancing couples and started up dancing again, his face appearing pensive beneath his mask. He wanted to pull her off to the side and ask her a thousand questions before finding Umber and asking a thousand more. [Color=mediumpurple][i]Maybe if I make some kind of announcement. They'll listen and then we can all catch the next Amora back to the castle. Then we'll all be on our way home.[/i][/color] [Color=darkgray][i]Calm yourself… And you were doing so well in this tense environment, Darius. Answer me. If there are humans…[/i][/color] Malgormuun's voice interrupted his scattered thoughts. [Color=darkgray][i]If there are humans…[/i][/color] [Color=mediumpurple][i]Then there are rebels… And that means I can't expose myself. I have to keep a cool head and try to locate more if they're here.[/i][/color] [Color=darkgray][i]Good… The angel's words have reminded you that this is no time for leisure. You have an objective! Focus, Darius…[/i][/color] The demon's voice faded with those final words. He had kept his eyes on Azriel's while briefly mentally conversing with the demon, Malgormuun. [Color=mediumpurple]"And we'll find them all. Every single one, along with those that are hiding them."[/color] His voice was both confident and serious. [Color=mediumpurple]"Any tips on what to look for?"[/color]