[quote=@Sam Quint] [hider= Kott Sidoni] Character's name: Kott Sidoni Race: Corellian Faction: Imperial Remnant Character Alignment (Choose one): Neutral Character Background: Kott was born to a ship engineering family, both of his parents helped design the large battleships. Like most Corellians he learned to fly at an early age and started to follow in his parent’s footsteps. His childhood was fun, loving and natural. After leaving Corellia on a freighter-ship, Kott ended up on the wrong side of a dispute with some Imperial Freight Checkers and had to enlist as a Storm Trooper to wipe away his debt. After getting a taste of aerial combat, Kott stayed as an Imperial Pilot. Character Personality: Typical of a Corellian, Kott has a certain cunning and pragmatism that has served him well. He weighs the risk and reward of every action, sometimes bordering on reckless. Kott wont think twice about killing, especially in a starfighter. Character's Physical description: [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/pj2zMbJ/570735-chuck-zlotnick-warner-bros-ent.jpg[/img] [/center] Character Class (choose one): Soldier Items- DH-17 Blaster Pistol E-11 Blaster Rifle Supporting Characters: [/hider] [/quote] Approved. Also, love the Quint stuff from Jaws. One of my all time favorite characters from one of my all time favorite movies. Welcome aboard. If you like, there's a link to our discord on the first page.