[hider=Mahina Wolff - Root River: A Wonderful Life (Dec. 13, 2019-Jan. 23, 2020)][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sJkQazg.jpg[/img] [color=9e0039][h1]Mahina Wolff[/h1][/color] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1-xRk6llh4]🌕[/url] [i]Got a curse I cannot lift Shines when the sunset shifts When the moon is round and full Gotta bust that box, gotta gut that fish[/i][/sub][/center] [center][color=9e0039][h3]Some Basic Info[/h3][/color][/center] [color=9e0039]N A M E[/color] [indent]Mahina Wolff[/indent] [color=9e0039]N I C K N A M E S[/color] [indent]Mahi, Hina, Wolfie[/indent] [color=9e0039]A G E[/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=9e0039]B I R T H D A Y[/color] [indent]Winter, Day 9[/indent] [color=9e0039]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=9e0039]O C C U P A T I O N[/color] [indent]Owner, Werewolff Vineyards[/indent] [color=9e0039][h3]Some Basic Personality[/h3][/color] [color=9e0039]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/color] [indent]Sarcastic, Kind, Patient, Wistful, A bit weird[/indent] [color=9e0039]F A V O R I T E S E A S O N[/color] [indent]Autumn[/indent] [color=9e0039]F A V O R I T E C O L O R[/color] [indent]Wine red / Purple[/indent] [color=9e0039]F A V O R I T E F O O D[/color] [indent]Wine counts, right? If not, pad thai[/indent] [color=9e0039]L I K E S[/color] [list][*]Alcohol [*]Cooking [*]Moonlit walks [*]Cute girls [*]Cute guys [*]Sitting by the river [*]Blueberries[/list] [color=9e0039]D I S L I K E S[/color] [list][*]Kiwi fruit [*]Sunburns [*]People who spit wine on her floor because they want to be snooty and act like they are French experts or something [*]Raw fish [*]White guys with acoustic guitars [*]Know-it-alls [*]Daffodils[/list] [color=9e0039]D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N M A G I C ? [/color] [indent]She named her winery after a mythical creature. You tell me. Seriously, yes. She is spiritual and she felt a presence upon entering the town that was unlike anything else she had ever felt. Something gotta be causing it. Good or bad.[/indent] [color=9e0039][h3]Some Basic History[/h3][/color] [color=9e0039]F A M I L Y M E M B E R S[/color] [indent]Both her parents, Dwayne and Mariah, still live in the city, working as low-level executives at BigCo. Mahina has an older sister, Haumea, who lives in the suburbs of the city, with her husband and four children. They have made one visit to her sister's vineyard since Mahina took it over.[/indent] [color=9e0039]A N I M A L F R I E N D S[/color] [indent]One cat named Lily, who just lazes about the house and does nothing except springboard off your head at 3am.[/indent] [color=9e0039]H O M E L I F E[/color] [indent]Plot #3, the sprawling estate near the river. It allows for easy irrigation of the fields and means that the vineyard can draw the water right up the hill to where the grapes rest. There's a main house and a guest cottage for traveling workers who want to earn their keep harvesting the grapes.[/indent] [color=9e0039]S T O R Y[/color] [indent]Mahina Wolff grew up in a loving home that was very well off. Her parents climbed the corporate ladder quickly at BigCo, and as such they were never wanting for anything. In fact, it was such a life that Mahina grew lazy and lacked motivation to do anything else. She breezed through college majoring in wine, sex and English, so a great use of her time. Her parents were ticked and decided that if Mahina wasn't going to be productive like Haumea, they were going to force the issue. Her parents bought a portion of land in Root River, expecting Mahina to do something with the land to make its value increase before they eventually sold it to BigCo for a massive profit. The perks of insider trading. However, because they didn't want to be attacked and put Mahina's name on the deed, that meant the young woman could do whatever she wanted with it. Being outside the city and the lap of luxury for the first time actually filled Mahina with peace and excitement she hadn't known during her sheltered time at City University. She started researching what she could do and quickly found out that she could combine one of her old passions with this new opportunity. Thus, Werewolff Vineyard was born. Why Werewolff? Because regular wolves are cool, but werewolffs are badass. Mahina slowly ingrained herself into the town's fabric, but after learning what some people thought about BigCo and their plans for the town, she has never told them about her parents or how she managed to acquire that land...[/indent] Link: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/180458-root-river-a-wonderful-life/ic]Here[/url][/hider]