[@Malta307] They are both part of a universe I've been world building for a game I've been working a bit on so there may or may not be some details I will need to alter or omit in order for them to fit here. The hive mind race, the Vuar'uuk, is inspired by the usual organic swarming hiveminds. The society has the usual drones/servents/slaves etc, which are basically weak-willed husks of organisms that largely lack independence and need to be guided by the more independent members. The further up the chain of command you go the more and more independence that particular creature has with the Hive Queens being at the top (there are several per Vuar'uuk controlled planet, one of which reigns above the others) and they are the 'face' of the Vuar'uuk to other races (or the ones who most often communicate with other races). Though above them is the 'Progenitor' which virtually never makes contact with other races and for the most part remains a myth if mentioned at all. It is this Progenitor which gives the rest of the Vuar'uuk purpose, and of this one which all the others serve. So the goals of the Vuar'uuk are for the most part the goal of this entity. I have not yet firmly decided on goals and ambitions but currently thinking something along the lines of constant combat/war in order to make the Vuar'uuk stronger through trials and tribulations, though it will largely be an internal conflict of seeing who the strongest is within rather than war with other races when not provoked. As far as the other, the Serekin, I do not have quite as much background set for them yet. Basically they are Snake people, very religious (Cause I really do like fanatical zeal from time to time) and separated by a peaceful civilian caste and a brutal military caste.