In response to Kosa's question, Kit digs a very crumpled flyer out of his bag. "[color=EDBA43]Hell yeah. My dad gave it to me last week,[/color]" he mutters, just as quickly. The old guy who seemed to be in charge introduced himself as a long-dead rōnin, which Kit [i]highly[/i] doubted, but he followed anyways. Only because Kosa grabbed his arm, not because he actually sorta believed the guy. Shut up. Kit followed the English explanations from this "Miyamoto" dude fairly well, but his Japanese was much easier to understand. English was never Kit's favorite subject, but it had its uses. Also, Kosa's head now had a glowing pink what's-it above it. Cool. That's normal. Okay, so maybe this place holds some of the answers that Kit's been looking for. The blonde wandered off after his symbol popped up, and the redhead disappeared somewhere, so Kit catches Miyamoto's attention. "[color=EDBA43]Sir, what the fancy girl said. Where's the 'unlabeled' house?[/color]" he asks, letting the politeness of the Japanese get obscured by drawl. Like fuck was he going to let everyone think he was some goody-two-shoes.