The VTOL's belly scraped along the ground, passing sparks and small bursts of flame as the metal behemoth rubbed against concrete. It made it down with some bends and bruises, but maintained a perfectly fly-able form in the end. Chariot had Thunderer still over a shoulder, though he had managed to get himself onto his own two feet by then. Quiet words were exchanged, and then she nodded to the Supporter before letting him hold himself up. With a quick hop, she made it up onto the airship's bay, and was moving into the cockpit. "Damnit I'll do it then!" she shouted to the team. With the cockpit drone already dispatched, she easily fit into the seat, though her legs were a little cramped considering her greaves. Settling her longsword sheathe beside her, she placed her hands over the various controls lightly, as if testing whatever memory she had of flying. "Alright... alright. Not too different. Not too bad, but... what's this one...?" Chariot muttered to herself. "Whatever. Everyone on board!" When the team had hopped on, Chariot pushed a throttle, blasting the VTOL's rockets into life as it slowly lifted off. Much as she wanted to simply rise to the skyline, they'd all be sitting ducks up there. That meant navigating between the buildings, which she was not too fond of. No time for hesitation. Chariot pushed the airship into forward motion, flying down the streets thirty feet above the ground. It was just narrow enough that she had to constantly shift the stick, lest one of the engines come into contact with a solid wall. For a moment, it seemed as if their speed, combined with the immediate lack of enemies, meant that they were in the clear, and would reach the other side of the city in no time, but a peculiar feeling soon dismissed such notions. Everyone's vision seemed to distort here and there, as if the simulation was failing to keep up with their speed, or perhaps their activity itself. The VTOL itself disappeared in brief flashes, leaving them flying through the air upon invisible seats for seconds at a time. Chariot caught herself from simply dropping the controls each time, but yelped nevertheless. Diver's voice came over the communications link. [i]"Sorry everyone. It looks like the simulation is experiencing some... technical difficulties. We're trying to f-f-f,"[/i] the voice cut off into a mess of static, repeating sounds. The VTOL disappeared permanently, and soon the entire world around them began to fade into that plain white, endless plain as when they had first arrived. Their sense of forward motion disappeared, though they remained still in their same positions, paralyzed but aware. "Wh-what's going on...? Guys, can you still hear me?" Chariot asked. And then, blackness. Everyone's eyes opened -their [i]real[/i] eyes. They were back on the Retra headquarters, inside of the closed pods. A minute passed, and then they opened. Diver stood in the center of the room with a sorry look to her face, feeling guilty of something. Biting her lip, she spoke to the operators as they pulled out of their groggy, disoriented states to the real world. "Oh my... I'm sorry everyone. It looks like the simulation didn't... quite know how to handle your actions," she said. "We didn't test some of the modules for vehicular flight. Didn't have time," said one of the engineers working nearer to the room's entrance. "I suppose there's some merit to finding an avenue for breaking the simulation," Diver chuckled, rubbing her neck. "What did you all think, otherwise?"