[center][h1][color=fff200]Danny[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=fff200] "Wait, you care about American football?"[/color] Danny asked, raising his eyebrow at Aselie as she walked past him through the door, slightly put taken aback by her choice in subject matter. He'd just been wondering whether asking her about the canceled ice hockey season would be unfair stereotyping on his part. [color=fff200]"Uh, yeah, we sure are. Can't say I got a lot of practice in the past few months, but-"[/color] Then, the creaking door, the rush of cold air. Instantly, Danny felt himself thrown off his balance, felt the energy in the room change. He looked around - some of the teenagers all gathered had reacted, some hadn't, and come to think of it he did think it was slightly strange that so many of his classmates were here - but none moreso than William Morgan. Aselie caught note of it too - he looked like somebody had just walked over his grave, even moreso than usual. Danny had always tried to be nice to Will, on the infrequent occasions when they interacted. Some of the other guys on the football team liked to pick on him, put him down for being an oddball, but Danny had never taken part in that, even if he didn't do as much as he could have to stop it. The poor kid had been through enough in his life - someone ought to be nice to him. He watched the scene unfold silently, stepping slowly forward after Will even as he felt his skin prickle into gooseflesh. Aselie asked if Will was alright, Activist Astrid wondered aloud why they were all there, and everyone's favorite Prescott told Will - a little rudely, in Danny's opinion, that there was no reason to investigate. For his part he... wasn't sure what to think. It was a little creepy, sure, but old buildings always were. And that flash of movement from down the stacks... he'd imagined that. Right? Will, horror obsessive that he was, was having a flight of fancy, and it was rubbing off on Danny. Right. Silently, he held out a hand to mollify Abby, and started off walking. [color=fff200]"Hey, Willy,"[/color] following after the boy as he crept down the stacks, making a brisk pace to catch up with him and reaching out to tap him on the shoulder. [color=fff200]"This is kinda creepy. What do you say we get out of here, and... you can tell me if that new horror movie's worse seeing? What's it called, Slaughter Night or something?"[/color] He told himself his desire to pull Will away was for the boy's own benefit, pull him away from a flight of fancy, get him talking to people. Deep down, though, Danny knew he did not want that door opened...