So, very much is known of the Zt Virus, they know it was worked on to cure all ailments, and possibly even save those who have died. The Zt Virus, well, it worked. It made the user invinciple against illnesses, and even being shot, without feeling pain or even being hurt, able to run distances without a heart. Year passed with the people beginning to get these, most of the world had used this invincible pill, and nobody could truly blame them. A military base somewhere in Saudi Arabia is where people say it was, the creators of the pill forced tp upgrade it and work 20x better, to help with military. Years of work leaded to the Zt Virus, it was an airborne virus, luckily they could contain it, in a small basement they tested with it, until the leader forcing them to work began getting impatient. The man stormed down to the lab and was infected. Soon enugh he began going insane, attacking people. The virus once exposed to human flesh, was destroyed, as was the work. The man soon infected a town, then a country, then a continent. The virus flourished within those who had taken said pill, and would turn them into insane murderers much faster then those who hadn't. A single survivor who worked on the virus survived and escaped. After much talk with people he was found stuck in a bar, the windows boarded up, and a few people inside. The mission is simple, get the man to a working and safe lab, get him supplies, keep him well fed, and he thinks he can find a vaccine. So, will you help him? Note that there will be more roles to take in the OOC.