[@Expolar] Alright, but back to my question, would my turn come up before or after the Employer? As it is I was still under the assumption that our team won the initiative bout and would go before them. Angus might not because he had started combat separately from the group and thus has his own thing going on. But it is important at least to know where exactly [i]Orchid[/i] falls in this order. Initiative and such probably should’ve been rolled up as soon as Najila Hexed and shot the Employer, so Tis a mistake on my part for not asking about that before taking my action. But moving forward to prevent confusion I just need to know: Since we are now doing traditional initiative rolls, can I just change the entirety of Orchid’s post? It would not make sense otherwise for her to charge into the room to go after the employer if he was faster than Orchid and no longer there or well beyond her reach.