Mrixe was quick to correct the warrior, “This is not quite apple pie. It’s close, but not exactly right. Though if you are looking to try apple pie, I can talk to my partner about making you some before you leave Lihaelen.” Darin practically lit up like the sun, “Yes please!” Mrixe raised an eyebrow, “Well aren’t you polite.” He held out the basket towards the young human, “Here. Why don’t you take a couple to share with you faithful steeds while Warrior Torenzi and I discuss the plans for today.” Darin nodded, “That sounds like a good idea.” She reached in to pull out a dumpling for Talbot and one for Tsura, “Thank you!” She then moved to returned to where the horses were stabled. While apple dumplings were not the best for horses one a piece certainly would do much harm. She held on out for Talbot and giggled as he pressed his mouth to her hand to practically inhale the treat. He then eagerly pressed his nose against her shoulder, looking for more of the sweetness that she was carrying. Darin laughed at him as she gently pushed him off. Then she moved to give the other dumpling to Tsura. The warrior horse acted much the same way as the farming horse. It seemed that somethings were universal. Once both treats had been distributed, she moved to wash the sugar, butter, and horse slobber of her hands. She didn’t want them to dry sticky. Meanwhile Mrixe was speaking to Ridahne, “I here that Azurei are oftentimes more frank than most people are or expect. That is not the Eluri way, but I will try.” He took a deep breath to prepare himself, “I have been sent by to Council to do two things. One is the reason that will be known by all people; that is to watch you for trouble. The other is the reason that I think only she,” He nodded at Darin, “Has figured out. I am here to ensure that The Seed-Bearer’s stay in Lihaelin is as productive and comfortable as possible. I cannot hope to win in a fight against you. I deal mainly with drunkards and the occasional thief and protecting the Councilmembers. Then again I do not think we will have much reason to fight each other because you are wrong about the whims of powerful people.” He seemed to shift the direction of the conversation, “Let me give you some wisdom that I have learned in my near five hundred years of life. People like us are almost always at the whims of powerful people.” H nodded at Darin again, “And you are currently at the whims of the most powerful person in all of Astra.” He laughed lightly, “You should just be grateful she seems to utterly adore you and care for you.” He sighed, “That’s all people like you and I can hope for; to be at the whims of a master or leader that cares for others rather than is consumed by selfishness and a lust for power. I know you have been hurt by such people in the past. So have I. Yet now we both seek to serve the same cause. As such there should be no reason for tension between us. Is that not correct?”