At the Princess's response Aethel looked up at Shalizar, saying "Excuse me" in a sing-song voice as she made her way past him towards the Princess's cell. her mood dampened somewhat when she actually saw the Princess sitting there on her bed, wearing what could barely be called an outfit. It was a reminder of just what Rectja did, and what fate might await Aethel herself if she didn't escape. Despite the severity of what Rectja did to his slaves, it was easy for Aethel to 'forget' and just not think about it when she wasn't directly confronted by it. So her wasn't smiling anymore when she walked straight up to the cell door, getting as close as possible. Not that it'd be easy for the Princess to tell her expression underneath the rebreather that covered the lower half of her face. "Oh, that's fine," she said to the Princess, taking one of the cell bars in each hand. However, as she did so she flicked something towards the Princess. It was several slips of papers folded together and written on. She hadn't seen any cameras down here, but she wasn't sure if Rectja had the room bugged or not. So she'd written all the relevant information on slips of paper, folded them together, and brought them down here. They read as follows: "I'm here to help you. :D", "I'm here against my will too; I don't want to work for Rectja any more than you do", "Trust me, have you seen any other women that want to be here?", "But we can't do anything now; we need to wait for the right opportunity", and finally, "All I want in return is amnesty/pardon. :D".