The kitchen was just as in bad shape as the general area outside, and Jane scowled in disgust with every step as she pressed forward further into the room, the dirty water underneath her feet leaving an unpleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. She scanned the various areas within the kitchen, her ears listening for any sudden movements other than her own. And it wasn't long, as predicted, when Jane came across what she was looking for. Jane made eye contact with the odd-looking feline prior the offensive attack against it, but once more, it had managed to evade it. The creature then closed the distance between them at a quick pace, making Jane instinctively take a few steps back. The creature pounced on the woman, the force knocking her off her feet and onto her back before she felt a strong, sharp pain at the base of her neck. She cried out in pain, and a moment later witnessed her foe being squeezed to death right in front of her eyes. The details were gruesome as thorns dug into its skin and blood oozed out from numerous puncture sites. Another scream from the creature, although this time it was a cry for help. But such attempts fell on deaf ears and its body went limp and was lifelessly dropped to the ground instantly. Jane's tattoos abandoned her immediate surrounding and she was suddenly left alone with nothing more than a series of bleeding wounds. A few moments later, another wave of pain hit her when she attempted to get back on her feet. She grit her teeth and used the island for leverage to stand up, quickly unshouldering her backpack to grab her first aid kit. Jane had a dressing she was going to use to stop the bleeding. The creature lay dead by her feet, but Jane didn't care for it at the moment. Instead, she pulled out the dressing and pressed it against the wounds. She held it there for a few moments before realizing she would not be able to secure it in place. It was frustrating, but she knew it wasn't the time to feel sorry for herself. Using her free hand, Jane placed everything in her backpack again before closing it shut. She looked around momentarily and decided to head out the same way she had come in. She grabbed the bag by the top strap and walked out in somewhat of a hurry. Jane had learned a lesson the hard way, and she told herself she wouldn't chase after those weird creatures anymore.